Deleted member 4084

| Ride Together | Fight Together | Die Together |

"Life is not about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." - Rocky Balboa.
Our organisations consist of amazing 'family' members, who will stay with you and fight alongside you.
If you're in trouble, we, as a family are alongside you.
Our family is not just any sort, it's one where friendship turns into something much deeper, we are all friends and will be. If you didn't like someone, talk to them.
"Every champion was once a contender that refused to give up" - Rocky Balboa
You can be the next 'champion, anyone can. Just by believing.
"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee." - Mohammad Ali
Everyone may become 'stronger', our family has been growing stronger and stronger for years. And will continue to. We may currently not be the 'strongest family' however we want to keep it that way.
Everyone in our family will have troubles, but one thing is. Never fuck up the family's future, for example, you got some beef with a guy who you don't like and is powerful, don't fuck everyone up. Either talk it out or call the police.

Side Roadman:
Certified Roadman:
Commited Roadman:
Wannabe Roadman:
Trial Roadman:

The money will only be provided if you have done exceptionally well to get promoted you could get up to $15,000. Even if it's from trial to wannabe!
So, here are the 'hierarchy' status's and what tracksuit they must wear:
Official Roadman: Black or Red Tracksuit
Side Roadman: Grey TracksuitThe Official Roadmen are at the top of the hierarchy pyramid
Certified Roadman: White TracksuitThe Side Roadmen are the ones who 'run' the family and look after it when needed.
Skeng Dealer's Tracksuit: Blue Tracksuit or a Smart Black suit.Those who do exceptionally well, and help along with the family by donating weapons and such
Committed Roadman: Green TracksuitSupplies weaponry, furniture, items etc.
Wannabe Roadman: Orange TracksuitLearnt the ropes of how the family runs and what to do. Looks after 'Wannabe's' and 'Trials'
Trial Roadman: Pink TracksuitThe second lowest ranking family member.
New to the family, learning the ropes.
Upon joining the organisation, a road-man will show you exactly what to wear.
If you do not wear/refuse to wear the tracksuit you will not be in the organisation for very long or may be kicked if you refuse.
Upon joining you do have a twenty-four-hour timer to get the tracksuit if you need some money to get your very first one - It will be classed as a loan, which you must pay back to the person who gave you the money. The only time you get money for a tracksuit is when you are a trial member or above whom has done exceptionally well.

If you are running the Casino (permission must be given by Side Roadmen and higher) then you can keep ANY money you made, however, it is your responsibility to pay them the money if they win. If you scam, you will face a kick from the organisation.
When we get the organisation bank account set up, we will be using this to put money towards people who do not have a car, and it will be used for money to run casinos and such.

Our relations within the city are sacred, we treat them like family and will not let them down. They will support us in our needs, we will support them in theirs.

As an alliance with our family, you will be treated as if you were in our organisation. We keep our alliances small and make sure there are only one or two. As large amounts of alliances result in problematic interferences.
Current Allies: None

As much as we hate having enemies, we all do. And we will stop at nothing to try sort it out. Whether this means contacting the National Crime Agency to talking things out.
Current Enemies: None

To apply for The Ducatti simply click here and apply using the format and by entering some simple details!
You will start off as the lowest ranking road-man and will have to work your way up.
Apply by using the form here.
Thanks to @CiniJones for the idea of colour coordinated tracksuits.
Thanks to @Rafxl_ for graphic designing - Did all of the pictures apart from 'The Ducatti' picture.
Thanks to @Matt for graphic designing - Did 'The Ducatti' picture
Thanks to @-Arun- for helping out with images
Thanks to Jack Renfield (Don't know Forum Name) for helping out with images.
Thanks to @Stormzi for helping out with images
Thanks to @Eviction Notice for helping out with images
Thanks to @_Patrxk for helping out with images
Thanks to @jimmythehamster from keeping bad men from taking my $200,000
I wrote this all myself, with slight help from others in my organisation (as in encouragement wise)
Thanks to @Rafxl_ for graphic designing - Did all of the pictures apart from 'The Ducatti' picture.
Thanks to @Matt for graphic designing - Did 'The Ducatti' picture
Thanks to @-Arun- for helping out with images
Thanks to Jack Renfield (Don't know Forum Name) for helping out with images.
Thanks to @Stormzi for helping out with images
Thanks to @Eviction Notice for helping out with images
Thanks to @_Patrxk for helping out with images
Thanks to @jimmythehamster from keeping bad men from taking my $200,000
I wrote this all myself, with slight help from others in my organisation (as in encouragement wise)
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