The Dutch Family
"Morior Invictus"
Who are we?
We are The Dutch Family, a friendly group of people that came together in one organisation.
some of these people own public places like The Dutch Pub, some of them were involved in the Trapani Pasta Shop and others were involved in some gambling shops.
Everyone knows the Dutch are everywhere.
What are our intentions?
We came to the city with the intention to provide others with places where they could hang out, wether those places are pubs, food shops or just gambling places...
we have no intention of taking over the city or some shit, just here to help others
for safety reasons we keep most of our members on classified and most of the ranks aswell.
Here is just a display of the more important ones.
Trusted Member
Under here special ranks for special people these people are free to change the name but those names are the default given names
Chief Royal Clubman
@blobvis 2.0
ProfessionalScammer Gambler
Our Relation with other organisations
Ofcourse we try to maintain a neutral to good relationship towards other organisations.
People and Organisations that pay regular prices (Neutral)
Everyone not mentioned on the two places below.
People and Organisations With Discounts (allies)
Them christian org from Nelu
People and Organisations banned from our stores (Enemies)
Trusted Member
Under here special ranks for special people these people are free to change the name but those names are the default given names
Chief Royal Clubman
@blobvis 2.0
Our Relation with other organisations
Ofcourse we try to maintain a neutral to good relationship towards other organisations.
People and Organisations that pay regular prices (Neutral)
Everyone not mentioned on the two places below.
People and Organisations With Discounts (allies)
Them christian org from Nelu
People and Organisations banned from our stores (Enemies)
Last Word
we are looking forward to seeing you all in one of our shops
The Dutch are everywhere.
*updates will come soon.*
Last Word
we are looking forward to seeing you all in one of our shops
The Dutch are everywhere.
*updates will come soon.*
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