Sick advice from a sick 6th former (Literally at the moment)
When you go into your AS-Levels, and you're choosing your subjects bare this in-mind:
> If you're not going for something with grade requirements, TAKE BTECs. Honestly, a distinction* is equal in UCAS points to someone who got an A* in something like Maths, it's unfair but that's how it is.
> Don't leave your revision last minute, honestly, this fucked me over, I left my revision until about 3 weeks before and I focussed on lessons I liked, (Physics, ICT), do an hour every night, even at the start of the year!
> Homework is actually useful, it gives you stuff to revise later on! -
@MoronPipllyd Superconductors.
> Consider what grade you got in GCSE, the grade boundaries are unforgiving in AS-Levels, if you only got a C, don't expect to get another. The subjects are harder than before, and the grade boundaries are harder. Consider "Can I do this?"
> They give a fuck now, universities actually care about what you get in your exams, they can request any previous resits and can fuck you up. Generally GCSEs are just entry to AS-Levels and AS-Levels are to A-Level then university. So do well.
> As my Head of 6th said - "Rydych yn cael beth rydych yn rhoi i fewn yn yr chweched." Which means "You'll back get what you put in, in 6th form." You have no idea how true this is. Do all your assignments on time, study hard and you'll get good grades. Fuck up and waste a year like me, you'll pay for it next year.
Final Note: Don't be a retard like me and give a fuck about what people think about you, I only took maths because I was worried that my family would crap if I didn't take maths. Don't take a subject you're not great at, generally only subjects you got an B or higher in. (And BTECs go for it)