The M1928 Thompson

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Discussion Post: The M1928A1 Thompson

Main Idea: Adding the M1928 Thompson to the server.

Back Story Time! the Real Life M1928 Thompson version

(back story) Invented by John T. Thompson in 1917 the M1928 Thompson wartime production variant was a mainly used by us_soldiers, criminals, police, and civilians alike. It also uses a large .45 ACP cartridge it had great accuracy, and high volume of automatic fire)

Full description of the idea: As my main title says add it to the server the weapon would be inaccurate (not very inaccurate), and it will have its place as a Sub Machine Gun. The gun should be given a drum mag with 30-rnds not 50 or 100, and should be given an okay rate of fire with some decent recoil to it. We are talking like Glock 18c full auto recoil shit right here. The gun should also take longer time too reload since a drum mag is harder to reload, then a box mag. The gun itself should have a total weight of 5kg(that includes the drum mag).

The complete gun would cost It about 45000 now
30k to craft, make a 30-rnd mag 5k to craft and a 40ish-rnd drum mag 15k to craft
(Will update this when i can find more to put on)

Why should it be added?: I feel like this is missing from the server as a weapon you should gain access to now don't get me wrong if you want to get this weapon you would have to use some rare materials in order to get and you would have to spend alot of money to get it aswell

Pros: Would have a old school weapon into the server #MarfiaOrgs

Cons: Might be a more often used weapon then some other guns.
Might be too OP if it can 1 or 2 tap swat

Might be the new "AK"

@[B][I][B]Xquality[/B][/I][/B] said

"If we'd allow this gun to be crafted, even though it would require some rare materials, having a 50 round drum mag blasting down corridors when defending from raiders/police would be too OP. Especially since it's using .45 acp rounds. There's already 5 guys shooting ak's through a door. Now imagine 5 guys shooting a tommy gun through a door!"
As i do see the point here i'm only asking for a 30rnd drum mag, (@Allen Kennedy) and not a 50-rnd/100-rnd drum mag. It should also be given a slower fire-rate then the RL(Real-Life)Version. I would also like Xquality to give his thougts on this suggestion.

*Other additions: Instead of normal 30rnd box mag just make it a 30rnd drum mag for the sake of the look.

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Nye see!

I would love this to be added to the server, hopefully using rifle ammo so I don't use a whole box of pistol ammo on one magazine.

I think if were to be added it would absolutely 100% need a drum mag, be it 30 or 50 rounds, I don't know, but it would be so much cooler if it was a drum magazine.
This gun looks awesome! I would really like this to be added but make sure like Delta said it should have some recoil as to be honest this is a pretty OP gun. But apart from that what a great idea and I hope this is going to be accepted and added soon. (Even though my firearms is so rubbish that I won't be able to get hold of one.)
Make it about 30k to craft, make a 30-rnd mag 5k to craft and a 50-rnd drum mag 10k to craft, if it's ever used it's used by the most hard-core.
They were drum-mags for a reason. Because they wanted to carry more ammo, if you only put 30 rounds into a drum then you are less useful than instructions on a pop-tart box.

I believe i discussed this with Minilarro in shoutbox the last week (i think) on why it was a bad idea to give it a 50/100rnd mag. But you made a good point the post itself has been updated btw not much but took some advice :p
Im on mobile so I can't post a comment. Anyway, I think if it's added, that giving it Glock 18 recoil is seriously pushing it. I'm sure Desimone can back me up here since he knows his weaponry too. Maybe it should just slow you down when you move with it since it's a fuck-heavy gun.
Im on mobile so I can't post a comment. Anyway, I think if it's added, that giving it Glock 18 recoil is seriously pushing it. I'm sure Desimone can back me up here since he knows his weaponry too. Maybe it should just slow you down when you move with it since it's a fuck-heavy gun.

Hold on a secound so you want to gun to be "Fuck-Heavy"

It only 4.9 Kg so Either that is heavy or you need some muscles dude

The Thompson used a large .45 ACP cartridge it had great accuracy, and high volume of automatic fire.

The weapon were used before it was put into US_Service mostly from criminals and police this when it got the name as "The Chicago Typewriter", "Trench Broom", "Trench Sweeper" and simply "The Thompson" and a bunch of more names.

The Thompson first entered production as the M1921 smg. It was available to civilians, although poor sales resulted from the expense of the weapon.
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Hold on a secound so you want to gun to be "Fuck-Heavy"

It only weights fucking 4.9 Kg so Either that is heavy or you need some fucking muscles dude

The Thompson used a large .45 ACP cartridge it had great accuracy, and high volume of automatic fire.

The weapon were used before it was put into US_Service mostly from criminals and police this when it got the name as "The Chicago Typewriter", "Trench Broom", "Trench Sweeper" and simply "The Thompson" and a bunch of more names.

The Thompson first entered production as the M1921 smg. It was available to civilians, although poor sales resulted from the expense of the weapon.
I hope you know the Thompson is notorious for being heavy. Just because it is classified as a submachine gun does not automatically mean its lightweight. I don't see why you had to quote a basic description of the Thompson for me.
Plus, in reply to your comment, I'm not saying it should have no recoil but I'm saying it shouldn't have th e Glock 18's excessive recoil. A light polymer weapon would definitely make recoil large but for an old style gun made of wood and steel not to mention the fully loaded magazines, recoil would definitely be way less.

Your English makes it hard for me to understand what you're saying but yes, I intend for it to be like any other PERP gun in that you have to drag your mouse down to control the recoil. It's an easier gun to use than a Glock 18 for sure.


Look at this link and wonder why the weight of even the simplest Thompson version is equal to a full size rifle like a Gewehr 43. Many, many assault rifles are lighter than it.
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I hope you know the Thompson is notorious for being heavy. Just because it is classified as a submachine gun does not automatically mean its lightweight. I don't see why you had to quote a basic description of the Thompson for me.
Plus, in reply to your comment, I'm not saying it should have no recoil but I'm saying it shouldn't have th e Glock 18's excessive recoil. A light polymer weapon would definitely make recoil large but for an old style gun made of wood and steel not to mention the fully loaded magazines, recoil would definitely be way less.

Your English makes it hard for me to understand what you're saying but yes, I intend for it to be like any other PERP gun in that you have to drag your mouse down to control the recoil. It's an easier gun to use than a Glock 18 for sure.

(the title was not niced said)....

Right so if you want to know what your even talking about let me tell you what your saying the it's Known for being heavy. I can tell you that much that is not the case

Weight of gun with drum magazine, loaded:
50 rounds: 14 3/4 lbs.
In kg it's
Now even me can carry this for over 2 kilometer, and maybe even more with it's going to feel heavy.

Edit: I never said it should be the glock 18c recoil it was just an example. I'm also sorry if i sounded rude. :/

(the title was not niced said)....

Right so if you want to know what your even talking about let me tell you what your saying the it's Known for being heavy. I can tell you that much that is not the case

Weight of gun with drum magazine, loaded:
50 rounds: 14 3/4 lbs.
In kg it's
Now even me can carry this for over 2 kilometer and maybe even more with it's going to feel heavy
I don't get it. Your argument against me is to show that it's even heavier and saying that you can carry it for 2 km if not more, but know that it's heavy if you end up doing it?

EDIT: Well, it's quite heavy for its weapon class, enough to rival the standard bolt action and semi auto weapons of the time. I can't exactly prove it since I don't have it on hand but a perfect example of it being heavy is in one of the only videos of a Thompson with the 100 rounder, AKA at its heaviest. You can read up on it if you want, I'm saying what I already know.

EDIT 2: I didn't say it was a bolt action or your suggestion is about a hundred round drum mag, those are examples to show how heavy the gun is or can be. Yes, it is an SMG, just a rather classic and different example. I don't know where you have read to think that there are any 'civilian' versions at all, let alone versions that are different. Even Prohibition era Thompsons which were sold to citizens were the very same as the military versions as you say, which was why people were and are shocked even to this day that they allowed that.
You may be talking about the 1927 Thompson which was a long barreled semi auto civilian variant as you said, but there isn't a weight difference. Could possibly even be heavier due to the longer barrel.

EDIT 4: There's no M1928A1 civilian version, and the 1921 was the very first version and it is a full auto weapon. The link also doesn't work.

EDIT 5: Nope. The M1928 had a vertical pistol grip as a foregrip while the M1928A1 had a normal horizontal foregrip.
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Inaccurate, high recoil, 50 round magazine. Is someone used to the P90 or something?

I agree this should be used but we need to think of the time frame I mean how often is this gun used now. We should be thinking how older weapons like this would match up with the modern day counterparts for the sake of balance. Not only that but the availability of these weapons are unrealistic in my opinion the older the weapon the more difficult to obtain. But I admit I would love to see a Winchester Carbine.

For those complaining these weapons are OP it can take very few people to take out the police force with a gun with 30 rounds. And I agree 50 is too much but its well balanced if the bigger magazine has a bigger impact on the weapon than a 30. For example portability, longer reload time, lower accuracy, harder to craft, increased weight and anything else.
Honestly I don't know why you two are arguing about the weight of the gun when you can shoot a .500 SW in the game (The most powerful handgun in the world (as of now) ;)) without aiming down the sights and having your wrists intact after boxes of ammo go down the drain. Not asking for anything to be done about that (except if you're going to tweak the .500, devs: make it more expensive and one hit to the chest) But this is PERP, and it's sad to admit but not everything is going to be realistic, especially the mafia orgs
Im sure @Xquality or @StephenPuffs have said this would never get added: the possibility of shooting a 30 round 11.43×23mm drum mag would be insane. Raids would be non existant if you could wall bang with that gun. Accept that it's a pretty beast gun but the damage and power of the gun is way too much for the server.

What the fuck is the point in this?

People are going to craft 5k extra to make their gun look cool? Out of everything that has come from this thread this is the most unrealistic. People in the 20's didn't make shit because it looked good, they made it because it worked. Drum mags are made to carry more ammo not to look like a pretentious bad-ass.

Are you terrified of a 50 round mag or something? With the prices of the gun I would be surprised if this gun would be used in raids at all, it would probably only be used to kill somebody/a group of people
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