The 'maverick' is back, somewhat?

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London, United Kingdom
Well, hello everyone.

I've made this thread because I would like to explain my apparent absence from the forums and server - before jumping to conclusions, I am not trying to re-obtain my Enforcer rank. I have served my time as Enforcer and I have performed to somewhat the best of my ability under the current circumstances that I am under. I realise and appreciate that I wasn't active enough and that I may of not performed as efficiently as would of been expected. I am making this thread for my own benefit in order to give some form of explanation; I do not ask for your sympathy or for you to support me in any way, I just feel compelled to give a reason why I have been away and it would put my mind at rest a great deal.

First, I'll discuss in relation to my rank. As I was only on for section of public holidays and weekends, this is definitely not a time scale that the senior administration appreciate; I do understand this fully and I realise that as much as personal issues are a playing factor in the reason for this that I should not bring that into the mix anyway. I did enjoy being an Enforcer and working under and alongside some brilliant folk but my time has come to an end as a staff member. Some of you will be very pleased to see that I have lost my rank and I doubt very few of you will be upset. Nonetheless, there are many more people out there who can provide much more than I did and be there for the server when needed.

I wont go in-depth about the circumstances I am under and I know that a minority of you already know my situation. I'm currently in foster care after the passing of my mother and the absence of my father - due to this, my time on any form of electronic device is highly limited and I am being pushed and pulled around. As well as grieving over my loss, I have a very tough academic career at the moment and trying to manage that, my Internet associations and my social life is very hard which is why I only played for a minority of the weekend. As I said previously, I wont go in-depth into this matter and I do not ask for your sympathy but I feel you may be slightly more understanding if you knew the basics.

Alongside my personal issues, I got caught up in some other projects like my friend's community and whatnot. It's tough jumping from one place to another and as much as I didn't particularly want to I felt as though I should drop PERPheads. Was this a good decision? No. I completely regret it and that I should of been here more often. I have left that project anyway as I was practically dishing out my own money which was something I didn't want to do and the community there was pretty much in a shambles. We all make stupid decisions and things we regret but that doesn't mean that the one I took stands that I don't care for PERPheads because that's not true.

Due to losing my position of power, will I stop playing at PERPheads? Of course not; if I were to immediately stop playing, that would be rather childish and would pretty much say something about my personality. The activity that I shall be playing at will be, pretty much, similar to what it was previously. However, I hope that I am still welcome here at PERPheads and that I will continue to make somewhat good contributions to it and that I will stay a member of this community. On a side note, congratulations to Swiper the Fox and everyone else who got promoted; you guys deserve it, truly. I hope that this clears the air a bit between me and PERPheads. I still love you all (most of you, anyway).

Well, see you in-game or whatever I guess.
- Acerius

Welcome back to Perpheads.
Welcome back to the community A̶c̶e̶r̶i̶o̶u̶s̶ Acerius, I hope everything is okay!
Swiper The Fox said:
Welcome back to the community A̶c̶e̶r̶i̶o̶u̶s̶ Acerius, I hope everything is okay!
That's a lie.
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