The Million Dollar Fish.

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That place.
Posiedon Inc2.PNG
"Poseidon Inc. is delighted to announce that since the company initiated its ventures three days ago, it has amassed a total of 1M dollars in profits!! the company wishes to thank its investors and employees which where involved with the company in the past few days!!"
-Advert By Paulie Guenzette

A few hours later.

"The body of Paulie Salvatore Guenzette has been spotted floating at the docks! From the wounds, it is apparent that the cause of death was suicide rather than murder. This unexpected turn of events, especially after the companies recent success in the fishing industry, leave the company under a question mark. Many questions will be asked and many will be left unanswered."

Hey fellas how ya doin?, I am leaving the server, well I left and came back for like 3 weeks to 1 month, I have heard that there wasn't much RP going on which was a bit true, so I tried to come up with my own thing, my own RP and indeed I had the idea of Poseidon Inc., to me it was an RP experiment to see how interactive people are with RP and to see if that RP could be profitable, indeed, it turned out to be profitable. However, the problem was the lack of interaction between people, the doubts people have on RP, on the people doing the RP, and finally the lack of patience to be part of the RP. With only two investors and 3 hours a day the RP company managed to get 1M which is quite the number, I imagine that if at least 10 from the 50 guys available at the weekends only thought on dropping their rods and doing nothing, we would have gained at least 5M, don't worry I didn't take the money, I gave 100k per person to those who invested and those who were in a way good to RP and most importantly nice, because the most frustrating thing in the server is when you see some "Tough guy" wannabes while I am sure they are still asking their mothers if they could stay up past 10 pm. So yea, be nice, talking shit makes you look like shit, the only ones who admire shit talk are either kids or guys new to the business. what I am trying to say, we could do something great RP, just remove the smart-asses or make em behave, encourage the spirit of cooperation as again if the investors didn't cooperate with the simple act of dropping 4 fishing rods neither the RP experience nor the money would have been there. Grow up, be good to each other, but not too nice as there will always be that fuck who needs to get disciplined. Cooperate so that if you are looking for fun and RP experience you will get it and if you are looking for money you would get it as well if you know economics and history you'd understand that one of the fundamentals of an economy is cooperation. Thank you.

I really dont fancy seeing "You feel something on the end of your fishing rod" every 5 seconds with the aids beep noise. I also dont think staring at a virtual fish for hours is roleplaying much tbh just money farming no matter how inefficient you do it. But yh the text that appears from dropping rods is why nobody would let you profit from them. Just aids.
The idea here is not fishing itself, it's the company, how it's possible to set contracts and deals with others. I myself was planning to turn hitch town into a real fishing town, Everytime I join I'd put iron fensces around it, set some fishermen who fish, delivery men who deliver the fish and sell it with vans, and of course a corporate council with investors and all, then this whole to would have a sub rp, such as corporate parties and ceremonies, maybe evolve into something darker and create a secret society. This as a whole would create an Rp experience and money for all of us that are involved.

As for money farming I believe anything could be called money farming, playing as a cop for hours is money farming, opening a restaurant waiting for people to come could be money farming, the issue is not money farming, the issue is how it's done. Does this farming involve RP or is it bland?
As nice as it would be if we could roleplay like this and the server wasn't so tryhardy with people just wanting to make the most money in the least amount of time. It wouldn't last. Everyone knows how much easier it is to fish at docks and just sprint to the atm or even afk grow drugs. Nobody cares about rp anymore, and those who act like they do give up within a week. I dont blame anyone considering how staff have let the server turn into a cops and robbers fps shooter. It's just when we run out of robbers,the cops will get bored and we'll hit 20 players again.
@Daigestive Look at the very end, nobody gives a damn because it's a game, I personally stopped because I told myself, "look, you are gonna RP all of this and have fun, make money and build a virtual company, then what? Nothing." That's it, because it's a game, role-play is meant to be short term, take a look at Cinema, what's it about? It's also about RP, movies tell a story and actors are role-playing the characters, that's why movies are two hours long or so. Then why not do the same thing, I think we all come to play to have fun, some take pleasure by making themselves feel rich virtually, some by creating a story, but none would take it seriously. At some point we took Perp seriously because we were kids, we had nothing better to do, some even created their personality here. Though on a side note the longest living RP servers I've seen are those who set RP scenarios that last for 3 months and then shift the story, but those are people who got time, take RP seriously that it's their life rather than real life, I don't think we are the same here.