the no russian one

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Your Steam/In-game Name: John King
His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
Jarred Donerino -
Curtis Stewart -
Mario Alardin -
random sweater that I dont know
His/Her SteamID:
Jarred Donerino - STEAM_0:1:42883693
Curtis Stewart - STEAM_0:0:95199756
Mario Alardin - STEAM_0:0:86478848
Why Should This Player Be Punished: On 10.05 before the new rule regarding 2.5 and KOSing people was added the users listed above decided to enter Glass Co. and shoot all of us. @Cole was supposed to deal with the sit in- game, but he had a staff meeting at the time so he wasn't able to. The reason for them to do that is us talking about killing them or something like that (thats what they told Cole).

Evidence (Demo Required):
(I have the video downloaded just in-case they decide to delete it)
I was tabbed out and didn't threaten anyone beforehand, you had no reason to shoot me.
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@Mario Could you explain your actions? Could you also get your friends to make forum accounts and also comment
video is my perspective i didn't manage to kill anyone, when i got in shots were fired already.
I opened fire as soon as shots went flying around my head. I assumed it was us getting shot at. I do not know who shot the first shot.

I additionally would like to point out it has always been allowed to shoot the participants that carry visible weaponry, including on their back.
I additionally would like to point out it has always been allowed to shoot the participants that carry visible weaponry, including on their back.

Fyi, not necessarily, until yesterday:

Additionally, we have made changes to some of the rules as well. Rule amendments have been made to the following rules:

  • 2.5 Excessive Negativity
Players may not excessively impact the experience of others in a negative manner, unless the actions are a proportionate escalation of negative actions that have been performed against the original player.

When participating in raids, players carrying visible weaponry are considered to be significant enough threats to be killed justifiably without prior verbal commands or interaction.
@Youseff I just confirmed with Collier, it was a change not a clarification, we will take into consideration the fact it had not been changed yet by the time this happened.
Everyone stop arguing on this please, especially if not involved.
What happened in the AR video was before the change to 2.5. Previously you could not shoot someone who had a weapon on their back.
Sorry I was only half paying attention when Inchs asked me, at the time I was unaware of this thread or the discussion therein. Some of the confusion might have been on me, very sorry friends!
10 guys with guns on their back are a threat when you have a whole warehouse to clear. Its comon sense that you can not safely contain a crowd that size with guns on their back when more people could be around the corner. I was the one who shot first. Jarred and curtis started shooting when bullets started flying and creepis came swinging with a shotgun.
You came in completely silent and they were unaware to your presence until you startedd shooting. You could have more than easily gun pointed and controlled everyone as you had the element of surprise. Creepis only took his gun out once he heard shots.
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