The purpose of PLC Taxi service

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I've recently been roleplaying as an old man, Bob Nixon, who happens to be taxi driver employed by Paralake City (PLC) Taxi Service.

Throughout the past 2 days I've found out why it's such an unpopular job. The constant risk of being mugged by customers is a reality. I know that it happens in real life as well but since it's a rare event that someone bothers to become taxi driver I think it requires debate.

The taxi driver is a non-government employed job which means that server rule (6.7 Mugging Government Employees) doesn't apply. This also allows taxi drivers to violate traffic laws (with the exception of the highway and intersection rule 3.22) and bring firearms for self defense. I've been told that since delivery man, road crew workers and taxi driver are non-government employed jobs they can commit crimes themselves which I consider partly unrealistic.

I've now been the victim of multiple muggings as taxi driver and it's often well-dressed people, who seems to have everything, who decide to rob others. I see similarities to the mentality of those who is robbing taxi drivers to the mentality of those who kill taxi drivers in Grand Theft Auto.








Some people would say that it's a boring job and that it doesn't serve any purpose. However, it can be quite entertaining depending on how you decide to roleplay it. Whether you decide to roleplay as a Chinese immigrant, former convict or Vietnam veteran you can always make it an enjoyable experience to everyone.
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If you get mugged i have a suggestion for you! If you need to drop off people in the forest drop them off infront of fredys subs and call it something like Company Anti Mug Rules or something not stupid.. Lol
Tell them the story of your excessive masturbating for 30 years before you found a cheap whore from Thailand. That was awesome.:D Maybe they leave you alone after that ;)
Hi grandpa, its me billy, the other billy got ran over by a police cruiser
I bought stuff at Nixons Buisness Shop before you started as taxi driver. If i had hired you as taxi i and had thought to mug you, I would have changed my mind because your good roleplay.
A few things could be done to fix this... DEVS! ADD CAR MOUNTED MG's TO THE TAXI!

Please don't rate this as a dumb post ;(

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Private Transport Company was a org i ran back in Evocity we didn't use the taxi job so we had our own cars and rules. We also had some issues with muggings but most of the time it went very well in fact at one point i was given a remmy instead of money.

We had a bit of competition but we had the biggest fleet and was most popular so competition was the Government bus drivers. Compared to our 2 Citroen C4's and 1 Mini and Spark they did not stand a chance.

I would love someone to try and remake this which went down in Paralake due to the monorail and inactivity of all its members. It was the most popular legal org Evocity had right behind the somewhat legal Home Defence Store ran by Luke Person.
Taxi drivers aren't government employees and likely never will be, so the likelihood of them being immune to muggings/robberies is minimal however I can offer some suggestions to avoid this. As you probably know there are rules in place that restrict muggings from taking place in places of public view, so when you drive your taxi you can always drop people off at places of public view and always be vigilant of any suspicious behaviour.
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