Tiny calc suggestion

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Under Lewis088's bed
Main idea: Add a time

Description: Add a time of all the items you have added so you will know an estimate of how long you will be crafting for, like just add all the time up from the items in the f1 menu and put an "estimated crafting time" label at the bottom right of your tiny calc list and how many hours you will be crafting for

Pros: easier to split up crafting. Really useful

Cons: None

Also have some sort of automatic calculator that'll add together how many materials you'll be carrying, makes it easier to know faster how many trips you need to make back and forth from storage and shops.
I know you can already do this manually but it's a lost easier if it's done automatically.
yeah, this could cause problems as not often people put all their stuff away in storage because they are buyinng mats as alot of people use their phone to add things up, but i guess it will be accurate if you put all your things away

EDIT: This also differs with VIP
Again, can be determined easily, and just add some sort of warning in red text about how many trips you'll have to take and why (like weight, number of mats or other reasons why you have to take this many trips)
than if you put all ur stuff away and take a vehicle, it also changes a lot as you can stick way more paper into the back of your car than metal, it is actually more difficult than you think, but yes technically speaking u could add only inventory weight, but just use ur brain and ur storage, tinycalc has an inv system just use that to see
Would also be really nice if he added a text box that says how many m4’s ak’s etc you have to craft to reach you desired firearms. (For example 125)
1. Your broke lmao. 2. 100 mil couldnt fix shit aim. 3. The more money you have the more money i take from you. 4. Imagine thinking perp cash means anything like @Sossa told you lmao when you can make 100k an hour.
I'm enjoying my Christmas with my family away from my PC, why would I care about someone else's perp cash when you probably bought it lmao.
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