Tom Hill

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IKEA - Northern Europe
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Dispute
Which staff member banned you: (See: ScamBans)Dom_

Your Steam Name: Levin
Your In-game Name: Jerry Clarkson

Why were you banned?: (See: ScamBans) 3.4, 1.1 - Player ran away from gunpoint from multiple officers, using the excuse that he was drunk IC. Player was then disrespectful in the sit (I am not disputing this part of my ban).

(Take note how I changed user to player, because I’m not a fucking user; I’m PLAYING on a server not USING your server.)
Why do you feel the ban's invalid?:

My playable character was drunk via ingame actions as I had evidently had drunk several bottles of the Casino’s dodgy brewed alcoholic substance that is held within a glass bottle commonly used to store said liquids that give an individual certain after effects of consuming this.

To further enhance my character as being drunk, I became an annoyance to some sweaty nerd playing cards by using an item to hide his cards from his view. This obviously aggravated this individual which led to a drunken brawl between myself and my friend against this salty adversary. After I had used a blunt forced object against the individual’s skull, I then decided it was time to leave just as the coppers had shown up to make everyone else’s day a misery.

I had sensed their presence and imminent arrival to the scene from the discarded tubes and boxes of Lidl’s finest acne fighting cream and the putrid smell of halitosis, damp clothing and body odour originating from one’s armpits as the application of Lynx Africa to these dank pits is not currently listed in the PLPD field operating manual.

As a now well-established drunken individual, I was under the assumption that due to my drunken state I could use this to my advantage and try to make a failed get-away attempt from the police while they had several guns pointed at myself. Obviously this didn’t work, and I was apprehended and was supposed to be charged until the disgruntled moderator that had been observing me after I had noticed that the hairs on the back of my neck were being blown about at a rate of between 12 and 20 breaths per minute had yanked me from the back of the constable’s four-wheeled prison transportation vehicle commonly known as a patrol car like a deceased person ascending towards St. Peter’s gates.

I don’t see a problem with this. I was clearly drunk, and people are unpredictable when they’re drunk. In a realistic scenario, would you expect a drunk person to comply with you if he was heavily intoxicated (and to be noted as incredibly violent after smacking someone to death)?

It should also be noted that is a “serious roleplaying server”, but according to what I did isn’t roleplay as I’ve been banned for it. Sad! Well community of, looks like you can’t roleplay drunk despite having bottles of beer as a consumable item!
Let’s look at the definition of “roleplay”:
act out or perform the part of a person or character, for example as a technique in training or psychotherapy.
"study participants role-played as applicants for community college"

“Act out or perform the part of a person or character”.

A big rule I was following was “realistic actions”. Drunk people are unpredictable; that’s realistic.
“Risking my life” - Do you seriously think someone who is so intoxicated would seriously CARE? Do you seriously think they can process a rational thought of preservation of one’s own well-being after having consumed several bottles of alcohol? I don’t know what planet Dom likes on, probably a world where water is mistaken for alcohol and no one is drunk. I bet he hasn’t even sipped a taste of alcohol in his life.

So why am I banned? The server clearly says “serious roleplay” and I’m further enhancing this roleplay by developing my character’s drunken behaviour that was made possible via the alcohol I had been served with.

Ridiculous ban. No wonder this community is so divided, you clearly are not even allowed to roleplay… on a roleplay server!

Additional Comment(s):
Also, I am not disputing the part of me where I “disrespected” Dom_. I am not commenting on whether or not my comments were appropriate or not, nor am I confirming or denying anything in regards to this alleged disrespect.

Evidence (Required for all server bans): Sold as Seen.
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