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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: A1L / Schneider Ficklestein
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Dapsas / Trauk Sankaba
His/Her SteamID: ?
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 - Loitering around the scene of a crime you committed with the intention of engaging in more combat. After there was a shootout at Projex, it was over and I decided to come on-duty, someone told me to come to Harbor Lane to grab DNA, I saw Trauk lurking at the Bazaar Gas Station, I was in my vehicle and about to get DNA, Trauk went past me down to Projex, although it seems the shootout seemed to be over and everyone else is gone, he comes back whilst I'm grabbing DNA with the intention of engaging in more combat, I was grabbing DNA, he speeds up the road and runs me over and then kills me another officer and decided to be toxic and say "EZ" in LOOC.
Evidence (Demo Required):
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Yes,i have killed u because u were taking dna,and dipped immediatly other thing 1.1 might be true.
The thing is, you were literally hanging around after the shootout was already over, you came back with the intentions of killing me when I was getting DNA on a cop that you didn't even fucking kill. It's even in the example of 3.4 now, you were loitering around the crime scene, but you literally probably helped kill but did you even kill anyone? You had more than enough time to fuck off yet you decided to stick around, go down Projex for whatever reason then to come back up to try to kill us both over DNA that wasn't even yours. imo you broke 3.4 and should've just left, it wasn't beneficial and your intention was engaging into more combat, I saw you at the gas station but yet you decide to come back after the shootout was over.
@Dapsas Explain your actions please, why did you not just leave when you had the chance and decided to return.
you should've left it, you were already away from the scene yet you decided to return and kill me over the fact it's your buddies DNA, you risked your life.
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