Trophy Points For Reporting Bugs

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Reaction score
Edinburgh, Scotland
Main idea: Get Trophy Points for reporting Bugs

Description: You would get about say 30-45 trophy points if you reported a large bug, the admin who you report it to will decide if it is worth trophy points or just a minor bug and not worth trophy points.

Pros: People will report bugs more instead of abusing them,
Less bugs as they will get spotted more often now

Cons: People will waste time trying to find bugs rather than RP just for trophy points,
More work for coders
Waste of /reports as staff could deal with better reports than bugs.
I think this is a pretty bad idea. If people know they can get rewards for reporting bugs, all they're gonna do is look for bugs whilst on the server. We'll end up with these "Paranormal Activities Experts" who will just RP looking for "Ghosts" (Bugs).
A really bad idea and, in a way, encourages bug abusing.
Like what I got banned for.
Its worth it.
Bugs are reported on github, not through reports. If you encounter a bug, you report it here. There are, of course, exceptions, but for there to occur bugs that should remain hidden for the sake of gameplay, is not a frequent thing. Why should you receive trophy points for reporting bugs anyways, people would go about reporting the slightest of things, and then demanding trophy points. You shouldn't have to be driven to report bugs for the sake of trophy points, but for the sake of helping the community. People will most likely end up making duplicates, spamming the bug report section, not caring about it to help, but for their own sake. Also, if there's going to be added new ways to receive trophy points, you can't just add one thing that gives a good amount of trophy points, while not adjusting anything else, to avoid said scenarios, where people in the end will cause problems by clogging up the bug report section as they want to be the one reporting a bug, for the sake of the reward only.
Lets not turn this into TF 2 where people report bugs and ask for an unusual gibus for reporting a bug to Valve. Of course, this would :hype: people up and search bugs like mad (Maybe even juice literally the slightest and minorest of bugs) which could be both good and bad.

Just keep it the way it is, report bugs, be happy that it's been fixed to make PERP more enjoyable for you and others.
Please understand that when you report a bug you help the community out more than enough and you are greatly thanked for it by the bug getting fixed, if you want a nice little reward just give yourself a pad on the shoulder and think, I'm pretty good.

Thanks for understanding!
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