Trunk Searching

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Main Idea: To make it so some police officers can search the trunk of a vehicle

Full description of the idea:
For example, if an officer needs to check the boot of a vehicle for a weapon that was used illegally or if they have enough evidence to say that drugs were placed in the trunk, the ranking officer can use the 'R' key to search the drug and look for any illegal items.

Why should it be added?: The reason why I think it should be added is because sometimes if you need to search the trunk of a vehicle and the owner isn't around, you won't be able to search it.


- Always officers to search vehicles without having to get the owner to go back to the vehicle and wait for an officer to do a /me to search the trunk.

Abusable as mentioned on the discussion post. I don't think it would be abused if it requires a rank eg you have to be a sergeant to be able to search a trunk.
I think that this should only be sergeant+.

How would you press "R" to search the trunk when you don't have the keys for it though? I believe that's why XQ replied to the discussion with
Great let's just make it so everyone can access everything with no need for keys or anything. What a friendly happy little world it would be :)
I should be better if you could open the trunk by having your batter ram out and pressing left click on the car (if that even is possible).

Edit: Yeah nice idea I would like to see this implemented.
Like said in the cons, I would recommend making it for supervisors because sweater cops would easily abuse it. Also, do you mean able to confiscate items in the trunk or just look in it? To be honest I'd say just look at it and make a report if they fail to take an illegal item out.

Like Lelios stated, you'd need some form of unlocking the car first. But when people open trunks, their car does not have to be unlocked so I really don't see the point of it having it to be unlocked before searching it.
Like said in the cons, I would recommend making it for supervisors because sweater cops would easily abuse it. Also, do you mean able to confiscate items in the trunk or just look in it? To be honest I'd say just look at it and make a report if they fail to take an illegal item out.

Also, it might be a bit of hassle because a law will have to be made to state when officers can use it, so you might want to suggest a reasonable law as well?
No need for a new law, if they abuse it and confiscate something for no reason then it should be considered theft or something.

Also, do you mean able to confiscate items in the trunk or just look in it
Both. If it was only for looking then it would be pointless as this idea is for the officers to be able to take something out of the trunk when the owner is not nearby.
This should be tied to a warrant system as anyone can just search a whole car park with no trouble. This has alot of potential for abuse as cars unlike players cannot file a report or create an AR. I am really uncertain about this I would like it but only if it had safeguards to prevent one officer searching any car when no-one is about.
Making it similar to the system we have now regarding the ability to bust down doors with and without a warrant would be cool.
To clarify:
- Person is warranted: LEO can search the trunk regardless of their rank
- Person is NOT warranted: Only Sgt's+ can search the trunk
This has some bad things about it and some good things. 1 bad thing is it will make selling drugs or transporting drugs even harder then it already is. 1 good thing is that it will make the roleplay better and more realistic.
This idea is good, but IMO only SO+ should be able to search with a warrant and SGT+ without. Or make that when issuing a warrant you have a little box that enables to perform a truck search, and if the box isn't checked then you can't search the trunk and we wont have sweatercops confiscating guns for a warrant for prank calling (I've seen warrant about prank calling).

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