Main idea:
Replace Taxi Job With Uber App
So one job i feel is rarely used is the Taxi driver. I was thinking we replace taxi driver and replace it with an uber app. all civilians can access this app and you simply turn it on and tell the app you are available to do uber pickups. If you need a pickup you simply open the app, press call uber and it will send a message to all players who have said they are available to pickup. After this the first person to claim pickup on the app will get the pickup and have 2 minuets to get to the pickup location, if they dont arrive the message goes out again.
Would be really cool if there were uber profiles and reviews to add some realism!
Why I think it should be added
The taxi job just isn’t used but people still don’t always want to use the monorail if they don’t have their car. Really think it will add some fun RP.
-Always someone available to do pickups
-less people running down highway etc.
-add an rp aspect
-get rid of an unused job
-gets rid of taxi driver job
Before saying you will just get kidnapped, read the rules.

Let Me Know What You Think
Replace Taxi Job With Uber App
So one job i feel is rarely used is the Taxi driver. I was thinking we replace taxi driver and replace it with an uber app. all civilians can access this app and you simply turn it on and tell the app you are available to do uber pickups. If you need a pickup you simply open the app, press call uber and it will send a message to all players who have said they are available to pickup. After this the first person to claim pickup on the app will get the pickup and have 2 minuets to get to the pickup location, if they dont arrive the message goes out again.
Would be really cool if there were uber profiles and reviews to add some realism!
Why I think it should be added
The taxi job just isn’t used but people still don’t always want to use the monorail if they don’t have their car. Really think it will add some fun RP.
-Always someone available to do pickups
-less people running down highway etc.
-add an rp aspect
-get rid of an unused job
-gets rid of taxi driver job
Before saying you will just get kidnapped, read the rules.

Let Me Know What You Think