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What is Uber?

Uber is an American multinational online transportation network company headquartered in Paralake.
It develops, markets and operates the Official Uber Website, which allows consumers with smartphones to submit a trip request which is then routed to Uber drivers who use their own cars.
As of May 2016, the service was available in over 66 countries and 449 cities worldwide.

What does Uber offer?

Uber offers a cheap and reliable way of transportation around the city. Normal taxi cabs will charge you 200 dollars in entry fee, Uber charges 0. Our model is Pay as you go. No hidden fees.

Why choose Uber?

Why should you choose Uber over your traditional Taxis? As mentioned above, Uber drivers will tend to charge you half the price of a Taxi. And while Taxis requires drivers to be on duty at the moment(which is quite rare) Uber consists of drivers who are ready to hop in their cars at any time. This means that no matter where you are, and no matter what time it is, an Uber driver will be ready to assist you. We also allow a wide variety of cars to be used, meaning that you will get there much faster than with an old rusty Ford Crown Victoria.

Is it safe?

Uber is just as safe as a normal taxi. We only hire people with a relatively clean record, and people who are 100% fit to drive. If you have any complaints about our drivers, feel free to submit them by sending an email to [email protected](PM me on the forums).

Drivers( In progress! )

Esteban Winsmore (Founder)
Dontrall Caldwell(First Driver/System Tester)

Keep an eye out for non-authorized Uber drivers!
We currently have a lot of Uber impersonators. Only order your Uber from the official website (www.pl-uber.dk).
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I hope people don't take advantage of this and mug the drivers. It's typical ph noobs who do this
Can i apply as a driver? I have nothing better to do. Disregard that comment as I've properly read the thread

Looking good, looking forward to joining!

Hello there Mr Esteban.
Your "Uber" business came to our attention lately as you were trying to steal our job here in Paralake pretending to offer transportation for a low price. How safe is this really though? Driving people with cars that are able to reach 100 mph is highly dangerous in Paralake's roads as they tend to be very small. It also came to our eyes that in many situations, your drivers would break laws from section 12 of the paralake penal code thus risking the lives of your passengers. We would also like to inform you that our "old, rusty" Ford Crown Victoria has been modified by experts and is able to reach 70 mph in a few seconds. If you do not consider the option to leave Paralake and/or shut down your business we will make sure to proceed this even further with lawful actions.
Last time I called an UBER car over I got kidnapped, brought to a spaceship, injected with heroin, and then anally probed by grey alien-looking people.
But then again, DarkRP
Hello there Mr Esteban.
Your "Uber" business came to our attention lately as you were trying to steal our job here in Paralake pretending to offer transportation for a low price. How safe is this really though? Driving people with cars that are able to reach 100 mph is highly dangerous in Paralake's roads as they tend to be very small. It also came to our eyes that in many situations, your drivers would break laws from section 12 of the paralake penal code thus risking the lives of your passengers. We would also like to inform you that our "old, rusty" Ford Crown Victoria has been modified by experts and is able to reach 70 mph in a few seconds. If you do not consider the option to leave Paralake and/or shut down your business we will make sure to proceed this even further with lawful actions.

Thank you for informing me about this.

I would like to inform you that we are not 'stealing your job'. I'm gonna be totally straight forward with you. I have never seen your taxi service in town. In fact, I hardly ever see any taxis in town. That is one of the reasons why we started Uber.

About our safety. The safety of our customers is our number one priority. Just because we drive cars that are able to reach 100 mph, doesn't mean that we will. We only hire drivers whom we know are capable of driving a car safely.

Also, I don't see what you mean by "It also came to our eyes that in many situations, your drivers would break laws from section 12 of the paralake penal code thus risking the lives of your passengers.". We started yesterday. I am the only employee at the moment due to the system sill being worked on. Unless you can prove that it was one of the few rides I personally did yesterday, then you have no right to accuse us of this. We are aware that quite a few people are impersonating Uber, and as stated on this page, you are responsible for making sure that you drive with authorized Uber drivers.
Keep an eye out for non-authorized Uber drivers!
We currently have a lot of Uber impersonators. As of right now, the only number that should be associated with Uber is # 935 - 1348. Any adverts using another number is an impersonator.
Only drive with the ones listed in our drivers list above!

Cool to hear that your Ford Vics can drive 70 mph. But sometimes people just want a bit more luxury than a seat covered in gum.

We are not going to shut down our services. We are not breaking any laws. See you court.

Esteban Winsmore - CEO of Paralake-Uber
I used uber once in Luton as it was cheaper than getting a taxi to town. The guy drove round a roundabout 5 times before I told him to exit. Never using it outside of London again.

Interesting org. Let's see how it matches up to the local taxi companies or my old pink van that offers free rides to the farm :booty:

We have finally finished our official website!

From now on when you wish to order an Uber, simply go to www.pl-uber.dk and press the 'Order' tab. Then simply fill in the fields and press accept! An available driver will accept the request as fast as possible!

Please note that any abuse of this system will lead to an IP ban. When banned, any order that you make will not be sent.

Please report any bugs to us(PM me on the forums.)

Reason why this has taken so long is mainly due to me having other things to take care of(school, vacation, family).
I am also not very experienced in website programming, so therefor this has taken me quite a while.
Massive thanks to @Riekelt for helping me along the way!

We hope that you will make good use of the system!​
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