UFC 201 - Post-Event Recommendations

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I wanted to make this recommendation to express my extreme gratitude to everyone who assisted in setting up the UFC 201 event today. This was an idea I had for a while, and the way it was executed today was beyond all my expectations and visions. From the building of the venue to the overwhelming amount of attendance. Below I'm going to give special thanks to people who were the most helpful.

First, the second-best helper @doge for building our beautiful octagon.

@Bojing - Thank you for assisting in the building of the venue and for the great fight you put on ;)

@Acerius - Biggest thanks to you, the way you involved the PLPD with this event is something I have never seen done in this capacity in my 7+ years in the community. Your effort today was truly admirable and I really appreciate the careful thought you put into the planning of this event with me. From making official documents around the event, PLPD shoutbox announcements, and taking lead on the scene, everything you did is appreciated more than you can understand.

@Collier - Thank you for all the help you put into the event with the police presence and managing the inside of the venue. Furthermore, thank you for offering several different avenues of advertisements throughout the whole community for our next UFC event.

@Ellie & @Allen Kennedy - Thank you for your EMS presence during the event. You guys did everything as fast as possible and this ensured a quicker transition between rounds and fights. Next time let's look for a doctors stoppage if someones getting mauled ;)

Thank you to all the additional security detail and police members who helped in making sure the event went as smoothly as possible.

@Creepis & @Mallard - Thank you for being the best fatass vendors on the server. I loved the stalls you guys set up and the amount of effort you two put into it was great. I look forward to seeing your guys' stalls evolve as we do more UFC events :)

@Lebronze James - For your funny ass commentating :)

@TinySlayer adding more logs for consuming specific drugs and items that'll help us out in the future if we need to drug test certain individuals :meh::rolleyes:

@Sean for helping me manage the front gate

Anddddd the biggest thanks to everyone who showed up today and supported the event. The feedback in OOC was so great that it's definitely going to keep us motivated in doing more events like this
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The event was a joy to observe, and probably the most entertaining and involved thing I've seen for a good while. I was very happy to be a part of it.
Thoroughly enjoyed being a part of this event and was a great feeling that the people who got involved, particularly Nickey and Matthew, coordinated and worked so well. Feels good to give out 9 awards for it. Props to you as well for all the hard work organising this!
Thanks to all that helped, Event was great, Much enjoyed it and everyone did their job roles fairly well - Was great for the New Players to have a feel of what PERP can bring too, This would be sick to host again in the future
Was one of the best events i’ve seen so far, i just want to know if anyone has more pictures?
Thanks to everyone who helped set this up.
I enjoyed being the only cop in a raid because someone called a bomb threat.

But forreal really good fun event, hope to see more @Aquaa
100% the best event that’s been done for a while. I also enjoyed the bomb threat very much idk why it was just cool. Well done on the organisation.