un-ban request

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type:Apology
Which staff member banned you:MattIsMadForCod

Your Steam Name: modspot
Your In-game Name: sven sesamstraat
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:66179426

Why were you banned Not Co-operating in an admin sit after me asking him to change his Roleplay Name.
Why should this appeal be considered: I asked him multiple times to propose a name because I didn't know a name and when I took one I asked
withteen for a new one.

Additional Comment(s): I don't think I didn't co-opert with him because I
answerd his asks

immediately and asked for new a name before he could say change your name. also he didn't
propose the ban he just banned me . I also agree with a shorter ban and I would like to get my pots and drugs back.

Evidence (If Applicable)
: none
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Hello ModSpot,
I gave you 3 clear chances to change your name and each time I asked politely, you chose names with "shit" or other words that are not considered Roleplay Name Standard. I warned you, the next time you put something like that, there would be higher consequences and you went and did it again.

I would just like to add up to this, Sven Sesamstraat <- Sven Sesamestreet is not quite a realistic name, and as Matt stated, if you really had that amount of chances I only find it justified to see you being banned for 1 day. Then again, it is only 1 day, just be glad it's only that. If you wish to apologize, I'd suggest putting atleast more effort in then this, maybe actually apologize?
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