Type of bug: LUA
Description of the bug: After a server restart you are unable to sit down on player placed seats such as wooden benches and possibly other props with seats in them.
How to reproduce the bug: In this case, spawn a wooden bench, let the server restart due to a crash and try sitting on it, it won't let you until you pick it back up and place it as a prop again.
Time stamp(s): Last server restart due to a crash, 14.06.2020 19:25~ UTC+1 Berlin
Description of the bug: After a server restart you are unable to sit down on player placed seats such as wooden benches and possibly other props with seats in them.
How to reproduce the bug: In this case, spawn a wooden bench, let the server restart due to a crash and try sitting on it, it won't let you until you pick it back up and place it as a prop again.
Time stamp(s): Last server restart due to a crash, 14.06.2020 19:25~ UTC+1 Berlin

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