Server Suggestion Use items when engine off

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Suggestion Title: Use items when engine off
Suggestion Description: When the engine of the vehicle is off, The driver should be able to use his inventory wheel without exiting car to give him preserve their concealment without having to get out but still use their inventory.

Why should this be added?:
- Quality of Life
- Control over one's inventory
- Balanced by the inability to access if the engine is on.
- Easy to add

What negatives could this have?:
- Some would say it's op?

What problem would this suggestion solve?: No control over inventory when driving due to radio.
I personally think that this could be extended to the passanger, as certain items are still blocked, such as bandaging stimpacking etc, as these would be able to be performed if you are not driving a vehicle, however am all for this suggestion, however not too sure how plausable it will be to create.

And have radio volume for the love of god.
Radio volume is already a thing, look in F1>>Options>>>Fm radio audio/Volume.
I’ve been saying we need to be able to smoke cigarettes while in the driver seat going 130 miles an hour just seems more realistic than just being able to play with the radio.
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