Hello everyone,
This is the application format for my team in the upcoming Tekkit Event held by Chris, Murtsley, AyJay and Jon Godinn. My team name is UUCO and I'm very excited about this event and hope to find a valuable team mate or two maybe even three depending on what I find.
If you haven't seen the post yet you can find it here: http://tinyurl.com/perptekkit
Some guidelines for my team are:
- Please know how to play Tekkit.
- Please be mature.
- Please be able to be active at least once a day to work on the server.
- Use common sense.
The application goes as follows:
Minecraft IGN:
Name on Perpheads:
What is your experience with Tekkit:
Why do you want to be a part of my team:
What is your age:
Name on Perpheads:
What is your experience with Tekkit:
Why do you want to be a part of my team:
What is your age:
I'd love to have you guys be on my team and I'm very excited.
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