V3 Models

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United Kingdom, Devon
Main idea: revert models

Description: go back to v3 models, we’ve been told new models were in the works or these were being fixed now for over a year. Plethora of bugs with the current, gross. We don’t even have decals yet?

Pros: better models, less bugs, more options, Not everyone looks retarded.

Cons: literally nothing lol
cba with the excuses for not reverting clear downgrades/things that are harmful to the server being "progress and time" - if it doesnt work then it doesnt work, such a defeatist attitude to have when developing imo, will just never lead to any genuine progress

either way the v3 models were significantly better
Can't we just be brought back the good sweatervests that actually looked kinda funky
and those that the players loved, we literally got promised that They would Come back... What did we get? A disgusting grey hobo looking piece of trash.

Also Give us ties, i wanna wear a suit but not look like an overweight dude that Can't wear a tie.
no doubt the new drug system was an interesting concept but it was clear from the start it was gonna be harmful

if we're so set on not reverting anything, leave the old pot system as an extra option instead of basic planters, because they're basically redundant + i miss the old pots
I like the newer clothing but hate the whole floating head over a torso effect malarkey, surely short sleeves, shorts and skirts and the likes were achievable without how the models currently work.
Never. Date. A Yandere. Yandere is the Japanese line for basically a woman who loves so much she's willing to kill anybody who basically lays eyes on you, trying to get a hold of you. And, I know some of you in the comments are gonna say, "Ha, you'll never have someone like that," To be honest I wouldn't want someone like that, cause she would kill my sister, my mother, my grandparents, anybody who even looked at me remotely. They'd be dead. Because she's so lovey-dovey that she goes insane and then wants to trap me in a fucking basement! She will legitimately kill everything you care for just so you are the only thing she has, and she is the only thing you have. Fuck no, I'd rather shoot myself in the freaking head.
@Sorle I can't see anyone making any excuses in this thread? Nor does the dev team, we usually bring out facts about how long an update would take...

I have spent some time looking at the clothing system, and I would take a great deal of time, moving over the more "basic" models we had before June 2017.
I saw a leaked photo of TFU models that looked sick. That was about 1 year ago
nah, theres been silly things in the past regarding genuinely harmful things to the server which werent reverted because of the time it took to make them which was more of what I was referring to

i mean i get it but its also a very harmful attitude to have towards actual progress being made

with this i can accept that it would take a very long time for a small reward, however
I like this idea and like many said XQ was leaking those muscle south beach looking models and the TFU models. V3 Models looked cooler to me too.

I would want to see fully iced out watches and rings and Cuban links and stuff, would be cool.
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