Ingame name:
Kelly Harrison
Steam Name:
Steam ID:
Total playtime:
3 Weeks
Are you VIP:
No, i am not.
List of all cars owned:
Nissan 370z (Looks nice.)
When are you mostly online?:
If there are friends of me online or someone tells me to come online.
In which organizations have you been:
German Mafia, Greek Empire, Skinheadbande, The Skulls
What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc:
Crafting 8/8; Firearms: Level 92 Shooting: 1/10 (I am bad at shooting. Basiclly always killing teammates Building: 5/10
Why do you want to join Voltiac?:
I want to join because i know the most people in there. Also, i am mostly alone.