Wardrobe System

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Fife, Scotland
Short explanation (in notes):
- A system That can store clothes and allow players to change clothes without buying them again.
- No longer forces players to fork out their whole wallets just to change to a hoodie and then back to a suit.
- Can have a wardrobe in Jennifer's or a prop that can be carried.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
I'm sure we all have that moment, you've made it big, you want to look like it, you buy a suit, you look snazzy as hell. But you feel like a change of roleplay direction or maybe just have a bit of fun with clothing ideas, after you want to look snazzy again, you go back, BUY a suit again. Then you ask why 3 quarters of your bank account is gone, when it could have been used in so many different, better ways; Killing the mayor, bombing the mayor, assaulting the mayor, tracking down Ethan Belinsky and slowly murdering him and then calling it 'Justice' (Possilby rightly so).
Getting back on topic, this has become not only an annoyance but a problem, and if this was added, the problem would be resolved. Any previously purchased apparel and accessories can be equipped and swapped out money free.

I have spoken with others, and many want this included, it would also add to roleplay, e.g. "Hold on a minute man, if we're going to a party, I'm gonna get my best suit" *walks into his bedroom and comes out with a snazzy suit*

Optional additions:
- Could also have a time up bar similar to equipping a weapon when you change out clothes.
- Could be in the form of a carriable prop that can be interacted with and a section in Jennifer's.
- Could also allow changing the colour of items you have purchased.

This has already been suggested and denied. https://perpheads.com/threads/wardrobe.1353/
And I know it was denied because they didn't follow the template, but I spoke to a mod and an admin about it and they said it would ruin police chase RP, which I could understand.
*Note* I meant for this to be another idea that had to do with clothe changes, I thought that this one on first glance was what I was looking for.

After thinking about it, I have changed to a +support for the reasons that ultimate has stated.
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This has already been suggested and denied. https://perpheads.com/threads/wardrobe.1353/
And I know it was denied because they didn't follow the template, but I spoke to a mod and an admin about it and they said it would ruin police chase RP.
Wtf dude, are you serious? I used the template I was very fair in arranging it and was very "You don't have to, but this would be nice" Mentality, could you not at least look over it before going "THERE WAS ANOTHER ONE DENIED!"

People finally will go to their home for a reason and also it doesnt ruin Police Chase, it makes it more better, realistic. You getaway and go to your home and change the clothes.

Another idea:

It should save the accessiors too so you wont have to remove 'em at jennifers and waste much money.
This would cause people to run off and change clothes, and if their name wasn't seen they cannot be caught. That's why this shouldn't be added. Some may think that's why this is a good idea but it would make it significiatly harder for the police to catch people. Then the suspect could also say something like "I changed clothes, you cannot recognize me".

https://perpheads.com/threads/clothing-storage-more-of-a-variety-and-options.3909/#post-38479 <--- This shizle is still open, look at StephenPuffs post here.
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