Warning Dispute (Exnem)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Exnem
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: monk
Your Roleplay Name: William Benson
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:178078039

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5 - User shot and killed two unarmed players who had no idea, nor indicator that a raid was in progress in the apartment they occupied. The second player of which was running away from the incident in order to preserve their life, yet still chose to kill them.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Sindarin and Exnem in this instance ran into an active shootout which not even a mere minute before I had killed a raider. I was the last one alive defending and Sindarin decides to peek the door therefore going into my property posing a threat and I push out and see another person running upstairs which can only be presumed as gaining a tactical advantage aka higher ground.

I eliminated the threats swiftly, it is not my fault as I can only presume the individuals in question heard any and all gun shots. A timed explosive and grenade was detonated, many gunshots such as UMP and AK was fired. I would like both of their POVs to be investigated.

I would also advise Sindarin not to just run up to an open door before carefully examining the perimeter as if he did he would have seen a door with its hinges off and two bodies. Lastly, I reported someone similar to this situation, their door was wide open and they were not punished.

Would like to mention an unarmed person before this incident occurred ran into my apartment and consequently died as well. Though my demo doesn't show it, theirs would've clearly shown bullet holes right next to the door which would further indicate that there was a recent gun fight.
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After reviewing both your pov and exnem's we have come to the conclusion your actions weren't justified.

Sindarin and Exnem have just respawned, from their POV they did not hear any shots at all indicating that there was a raid on-going. They were going to their apartment slums 3.

Sindarin looked at the apartment for 2 seconds before being dropped, you did not give him enough time to react to what he just looked at, you then decided to chase after exnem another unarmed individual executing him who was trying to get away from the scene. There was no need for this, you should've gunpointed both of them away to leave.

It is your responsibility to ensure that the people you shoot aren't a threat. Both of them weren't a threat at all.

Reviewed with @Bojing and @Oddy
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