Warning Dispute (Flugs)

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Reaction score
Maneti Chao
Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Flugs
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: Tinky
Your Roleplay Name: Tinky Starksy
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:107027937

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4, 3.20 - Failed comply with clear orders whilst running away from a police officer with a gun. Proceeded to disconnect within 10 minutes of committing a crime.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I feel like this dispute should be considered because I didn't break 3.4 since I was around the corner twice and he didn't have enough time to shoot at me. Our 2 POVs prove my point and also carrots post on how to gunpoint also proves my point that it is in my best interest to run around the corner. Take note of when I hear Kay's voice go louder since he goes around the corner. You can see in Kay's pov that he also had like a split second to shoot at me.

My POV: https://streamable.com/wsoxek
Kay's POV: https://gyazo.com/b62e194ac06257752e9ad63c87dbfc60
Carrot's Guide: https://perpheads.com/threads/how-2-gunpoint.3349/

We have taken the position that despite your arguments and reference to Carrot's guide (which will likely be archived and remade as it needs a refresh), you still broke 3.4. We can see that you have not made any mention of the 3.20 aspect of your warning in your dispute and as such view it as though you are not disputing that aspect of the warning, and it won't be mentioned below.

In respect of the points made in Carrot's guide we feel that you have applied this incorrectly. This is because Carrot's guide in both the screenshot and the written guidance references when vision is blocked almost immediately. Had you of turned the first (ATM) corner and pulled out your gun, this most likely would have been fine as you obscured vision almost immediately and would have been able to respond proportionately with your own weapon.

However, as you decided to continue on to the second (bollards) corner, you allowed unobstructed vision of your back to Kay for an extended length of time, at any point of which Kay could have reasonably gunned you down. Kay would have been permitted to do this as he had already issued commands before you turned the first corner and you were visibly armed, and you running away immediately warranted an escalation in force.

Just because you cannot see a gun being pointed at you (i.e. you running away) does not mean the threat suddenly disappears. You acknowledged Kay's presence and potential threat to your life as soon as you started running away from him, meaning the proverbial "clock" of 3.4 if you like begun ticking. 3.4 came into play and the clock stopped when you decided to carry on running in the long corridor towards the car park, as opposed to using the opportunity presented by the first corner near the ATM to pull your weapon out.

Reviewed with @Collier , @Hayden and @Ellie
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