Warning Dispute (phoondos)

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Reaction score
Wales, United Kingdom
Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @phoondos
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: Dave
Your Roleplay Name: Abidemi Romano
Your SteamID: Steam_0:1:626842016

Why were you punished?: 5.3 - User attempted to raid a property twice in 1 hour

Why should this appeal be considered?: A raid is defined within the rules as ;
Trespassing on an occupied property with the intention of stealing from it or its occupants or killing the players inside."

When I was crowbarred Projex Apartment 1 for the first time I never opened the door, and thus it was not possible for me to trespass in the property. I was shot by flankers who were at the front door of Projex. As defined by the rules what I did, did not suffice to count as a "raid". Many a time I have been told that this does not count as a raid, merely because I never got the door open and wasn't able to trespass. Upon being revived by medics, me and roos spoke our way out of being arrested, and then returned to our base in Projex Apartment 3. I then waited for Police to leave, went back to the door of Projex Apartment 1 bobby pinned the door open and killed both occupants, this was the thing that counted towards my raid timer as I was "Trespassing on an occupied property with the intention of stealing from it or its occupants or killing the players inside.".

Here is a dispute from Sorle where something incredibly similar happened where he attempted to raid an apartment and failed to open the door, which didn't count as initiating the raid and was determined he was not breaking raid timer when he returned to raid it afterwards. https://perpheads.com/threads/warning-dispute-samsn-hayden.48293/

In addition, the rule also states that "If a civilian has died whilst raiding a property, they must wait 1 hour after they have respawned before attempting to raid", I never died while raiding the property, I was only attempting to raid it and never succeeded to raid by following this definition "Trespassing on an occupied property with the intention of stealing from it or its occupants or killing the players inside.".

Additional Information: This was supposedly reviewed by Draxen and Benji as well.
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