Warning Dispute (sidd)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @sidd
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: AL
Your Roleplay Name: Joey Sanchez
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:94598843

Why were you punished?: I received a warning for rdm'ing a police officer

Why should this appeal be considered?: I would like to start off by saying that I play on 230+ ping so the driving is extremely delayed I did not purposefully crash into the police or crash my car at the end. I was warned for shooting a police officer that was "only going to give me a ticket". However, I had coke seeds and a weapon on me when I was pulled over. I believed that once I got out of the car the officer was going to put me in cuffs and search me. Obviously he would see the coke and firearm. Therefore now I would be being arrested for reckless driving, possession of narcotics, and possession of a firearm. Each of these I understand is not a just reason to shoot a cop. However, as I explained in my messages to the moderator, I believed these charges would compound on each other and lead to a sentence worthy of trying to get out of. As you can see I shot the officer and ran away, I was not purposefully trying to kill cops. I included my messages with the admin because you can see that he even said that the cop was going to handcuff me for running off. So I would have been searched and gone to jail. I would not normally try and dispute a warning because it is usually fair and not a big deal. However, I do believe that this incorrect especially after sidd said the officer would've handcuffed me.
ps: the only time you are allowed to shoot cops is when either you or your friends are going in for a crime that is = to or higher than 7 years. you cna check that on the perpheads forums then laws or in game by pressing f1 and then going to laws
ps: the only time you are allowed to shoot cops is when either you or your friends are going in for a crime that is = to or higher than 7 years. you cna check that on the perpheads forums then laws or in game by pressing f1 and then going to laws
Says 4 years max for possession of drugs with intent to produce (i had like 10 coke seeds), possession of a weapon is 2 years, and I crashed into a police officer and drove off which is 3 years.
so you would have been charged with 4 years. the charges dont add up. the highest one the one that is going to be the main charge. in this scenario, even if there are so many charges, the highest they can get you for is the 4 uears possesion of drugs. the charges do not add up. its not 4+2+3 which is 9 years. also it doesnt matter how many seeds/drugs you had, the law doesnt really change its max ticket/sentence
so you would have been charged with 4 years. the charges dont add up. the highest one the one that is going to be the main charge. in this scenario, even if there are so many charges, the highest they can get you for is the 4 uears possesion of drugs. the charges do not add up. its not 4+2+3 which is 9 years. also it doesnt matter how many seeds/drugs you had, the law doesnt really change its max ticket/sentence
Where does it say that the charges don't add up? I must've missed that.

As stated above, the sentences would not have been added on top of each other. Therefore, for the sentence you would have received which would have been roughly 4 years, you cannot justify shooting cops.
Reviewed with @A1L
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