Warning Dispute (Valentine)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Valentine
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: MalekIsWeird
Your Roleplay Name: Omar Asfour
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:137872891

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.30 - The player as a Police Officer, confiscated guns without allocating sufficient time after a shootout, nor has ensured that the whole vicinity was clear

Why should this appeal be considered?: I am a senior officer who knows how to handle stress. The only other officer on duty at the time was a new officer who pulled in to process somebody as I requested for backup and began processing. I was on scene at a Slums raid and handled it solo taking down the shooters after scouting the outside for any additionals. When I entered to engage I managed to end the fight within under a minute and take both raiders down clearing the outside and inside.

When I did I realized I was the only one here and capable of transporting. There is a medic coming to revive both of them instantly and if I leave to get my cruiser so I can transport both suspects unmanned It would be too dangerous so I confiscated it in a time which would be according to the Valentine around 12 seconds after they both went down. They were then left with the medic without guns near them being kept in cuffs inside Slums.

As I am going to get the car an officer right then gets on duty after I had taken the guns so I told him to just go make sure the scene is secure while I am gone so it's not just a medic keeping them inside. Once we had units on scene a few minutes after both were down a car came up and scouted out the area then began shooting police to rescue the suspects. We had no way of knowing these people were coming and since they took so long to arrive no matter what the guns would be gone anyway even without me being the only available unit making it reasonable to confiscate.

Here is a video of everything I could get on video as it went down and I am more than willing to provide a demo if needed:
I am unsure of what this video is even meant to show, Yes well done you killed us. You fail to show anything after killing us, From what I was told and the logs given at the time you took the weapons 26 seconds after killing me, 12 seconds after killing aloo89
Time I was shot: 15:55:45
Time you took the weapon(s): 15:56:12
Time Aloo89 was shot: 15:55:51
Time you took his weapon: 15:56:03
With these timings I fail to see how you manged to check the apartments, made sure everything was clear including the outside surroundings and made sure it was code 4. Considering you also died shortly after taking the weapons I highly doubt you did any of this.
I ask you to not be passive aggressive. I provided footage because it's the only footage I currently can instantly provide (I have the demo downloaded of course but I need further assistance to find and record it or give the file) I also made sure to offer a demo or a recording of the demo if needed. I have no problems providing all the evidence required to showcase my side.

Also you only attempted at arguing against one of my few points I made which overall justify the confiscation, only mentioning that you hypothesize I had no time to check and call code 4 which I absolutely did and the demo will show I did have plenty of time. You fail to address the necessity of confiscating due to me being the only officer available and on scene. Fact is, the whole situation ended in 1 minute, your backup came about 2 minutes after you were put down making it impossible that your guns would be saved no matter what and if I had just left you there without anybody to watch over you but a medic there is a very real possibility of minge-grabbing and it's a danger to the public and I still needed something to transport you guys with while the medic got you up.

As Jack has already said, your evidence does not provide any insight or usable evidence in this dispute. Please upload a proper form of evidence that shows the part you are disputing.

If you use a demo, make sure that you either:
Record it and upload the video here.
Provide an accurate timeframe/tick.

You have 48 hours to provide the requested evidence.
because I don’t have logs I don’t have the knowledge of the tick rate so can you please provide me that so I can go record it myself. It would be the last time I killed Jamie on the 5th I think.
perpheads_demo_2023-2-5 07-52-16

Roughly near the beginning (3-4 minutes in)
I am having trouble recording it my self. For that reason I am creating a help and support to figure this issue out in a separate thread for this situation and future endeavors in any AR or anything that comes my way. I will also be providing the demo just incase I can't figure out the problem within the 48h time frame.

Here is the demo:

Here is a showcase of the technical problem I am experiencing:

Sorry for the inconvenience. Again I hope I made it clear and if not I will clarify that I am trying my best to stay out of trouble. Whichever way judgement lands I am hoping to not start problems and take the result then move forward with it.
I am having trouble recording it my self. For that reason I am creating a help and support to figure this issue out in a separate thread for this situation and future endeavors in any AR or anything that comes my way. I will also be providing the demo just incase I can't figure out the problem within the 48h time frame.

Here is the demo:

Here is a showcase of the technical problem I am experiencing:

Sorry for the inconvenience. Again I hope I made it clear and if not I will clarify that I am trying my best to stay out of trouble. Whichever way judgement lands I am hoping to not start problems and take the result then move forward with it.
Connect to the main server before loading up the demo, this will fix your issue.
I am having trouble recording it my self. For that reason I am creating a help and support to figure this issue out in a separate thread for this situation and future endeavors in any AR or anything that comes my way. I will also be providing the demo just incase I can't figure out the problem within the 48h time frame.

Here is the demo:

Here is a showcase of the technical problem I am experiencing:

Sorry for the inconvenience. Again I hope I made it clear and if not I will clarify that I am trying my best to stay out of trouble. Whichever way judgement lands I am hoping to not start problems and take the result then move forward with it.

If you join the server first, the errors will disappear. If I am to look through your demo, I need a tick to go to.
Okay I request that you give me an additional day as I know I would’ve done it for you but I had to figure out technical issues which took too much time during that day and delayed my submission of the clip. Today I will record it myself for you.
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