Discussion Post: https://perpheads.com/threads/wearable-masks.33293/
Main Idea: Wearable Masks
Full description of the idea:
Wearable masks that you can craft in-game and wear on / off and cover your face from others identifying you.
Why should it be added?:
Wearable masks such as black balaclavas to cover your face and avoid civilians / goverement employes identifying you. As of right now due to laws and rules that state that goverment employees count as witnesses and can not lie when raiding in order to not be later identified and arrested you will have to kill all goverment employees as well as avoid CCTV Cameras in the area you are performing the raid. This leads to alot of deaths of goverment employees such as fire figthers and Probationary officers that have seen the suspects. Being able to wear masks not only will hide your identity so you can perform illegal activities easier, but also improve alot of rp situations such as hostage situations where officers would see your face , comply with you and once the hostage is safe would go and search for you ending in an arrest or a shootout.
Another RP Situation where this mask would come in handy would be when you gun point an officer and force him to uncuff your friend or just use him for something you want. Instead of killing them as common today you would be able to release him due to him not being able to identify you.
You will be able to obtain these masks by crafting them in the crafting menu.
If the suggestion gets lot of acceptance from the community you could also expand this idea and add all sorts of masks so people can look different. For example : Masks from PayDay 2.
New idea and content
Improves Criminal RP Situations
*Other additions:
Main Idea: Wearable Masks
Full description of the idea:
Wearable masks that you can craft in-game and wear on / off and cover your face from others identifying you.
Why should it be added?:
Wearable masks such as black balaclavas to cover your face and avoid civilians / goverement employes identifying you. As of right now due to laws and rules that state that goverment employees count as witnesses and can not lie when raiding in order to not be later identified and arrested you will have to kill all goverment employees as well as avoid CCTV Cameras in the area you are performing the raid. This leads to alot of deaths of goverment employees such as fire figthers and Probationary officers that have seen the suspects. Being able to wear masks not only will hide your identity so you can perform illegal activities easier, but also improve alot of rp situations such as hostage situations where officers would see your face , comply with you and once the hostage is safe would go and search for you ending in an arrest or a shootout.
Another RP Situation where this mask would come in handy would be when you gun point an officer and force him to uncuff your friend or just use him for something you want. Instead of killing them as common today you would be able to release him due to him not being able to identify you.
You will be able to obtain these masks by crafting them in the crafting menu.
If the suggestion gets lot of acceptance from the community you could also expand this idea and add all sorts of masks so people can look different. For example : Masks from PayDay 2.
New idea and content
Improves Criminal RP Situations
*Other additions: