Website Bug Report (Donation bug after security prompt.)

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Type of Bug: Website

Description of the Bug: Donation bug after security prompt.

How to reproduce the Bug: Provide your steam ID, or click purchase for yourself. It should display a security prompt to prove you're not a robot. I provided the output to @Samuel but will not provide it here as advised.

Note that I am running the latest version of Microsoft Edge. I also use two-step authentication on Paypal. I have nothing else to add.

Errors: It seems to be a PHP output, a quick search suggests it is CakePHP. It does not redirect to an external Paypal link as I assume it should.

Media: You can ask me directly.

EDIT - It works fine on Chrome. This is likely just Microsoft Edge being Microsoft Edge.
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I think this is something between Edge and Paypal. Either way, I haven't been able to reproduce it so I'm closing this as people shouldn't be using Edge.
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