weed seeds

This was just nerfed recently because it's way too easy to make money now, economy is fucked hard enough already
Just buy ur seeds
and you lose more time when seeding so its kinda the same
time is money
its like 40.8k per hour now compared to like 44k per hour before, it's not much
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the old system was more aids, finish a batch and get like -3 seeds from it :P, not relevant but proceed.

buy seeds.
To be honest, out of the years I have been on the server growing, I had never seen growing be as powerful as it was until the seeding was nerfed recently. (Of course, this is my opinion so if someone wishes to contest it, remember, it's only an opinion.) It is good that the developers are keeping a keen eye on what is making the server boring in the long term of things and solving them rapidly. Only recently I stocked up on a couple of hundred seeds to combat this nerf. I'd recommend you do the same!
Honestly isn't a big problem as you can still make more money than before the meth update. Just do meth and weed at the same time, and as they said, buy the seeds.
Also is quite hard to "buy more seeds" when the drug dealers location is constantly changing to unknown locations, meaning more time is wasted :/
Then do coke if you really want. Seeding yield for it is insane currently, and even if it doesnt make as much money as weed + meth, it still is very profitable, much simpler and no risk involved. What I do right now to not make it so boring is use up all your meth ingredients and grow coke at the same time. Once you run out of ingredients, dry your coke, and grow weed at the same time. Profit is nice, maybe not the best but it mixes things up a bit at least.