Weekly Arma 3 events

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Good ol' @KeiwaM, myself and a few others have set up a little Arma 3 unit. We run weekly coop events, created by a Zeus or two. It's nothing too serious but we expect everyone to behave themselves and follow the orders of superior officers. Other than that it's pretty laid back. All events are hosted Thursdays 7PM GMT+2. As of now we're usually a small group of people between 4-7 playing. For communication we use TS and task force radio.

You can find more info on discord here: https://discord.gg/pNBkYWyTDq
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Very serious
Very serious
Indeed. I love how I'm just dead on the floor and he's just rapelling basically horizontally. To be fair this was at the end of the op, it became total anarchy after we were dismissed.
Never really managed to get on with arma but this looks very promising, I’ll definitely jump on.
Indeed. I love how I'm just dead on the floor and he's just rapelling basically horizontally. To be fair this was at the end of the op, it became total anarchy after we were dismissed.
You failed to use the fast rope somehow
Brutal Images from Russian Occupation

Image captured moments after an execution in the city of Kirkonkylä, Finland.

Images from the city of Kirkonkylä has emerged, showing Russian soldiers
allegedly executing the remaining population that opposes the occupying
forces. Many civilians has been taken captive and many more has either
fled or been killed. The European Union and NATO's General Secretary has
condemned the actions of the Russians and promises that this violence
will not be tolerated in Europe.

Leaked images from a Russian Propaganda news outlet. Images not verified.


[USVB] Thursdays Mission:
The Russian occupation has nearly passed one month, and no significant
counter-offensives to retake land has been made. It's time to change that.
In this Thursday's operation, you will be dropped behind the enemy lines
at [REDACTED] from a high altitude C130J. After the drop, you will regroup
with your unit and you will work together to take out several key objectives.
You will most likely encounter enemies as you attempt to move stealthily
through the forested area of the Finnish country. Take out any Anti-Air
bunkers to enable friendly CAS-planes to perform bomb runs.

Sign-ups and details will be posted on the discord, which you can find here;

Afghanistan, Tour 1 is starting tonight

A campaign that has been long in the making, this campaign will be very interactive with a lot of smaller missions to split up and finish. But beware, any choice you make will affect the Opinion on your unit. If people dislike you, the government will oppose your presence. If the opposition reaches a critical level, the tour will end.

For anyone still interested, we had a rebranding last year and swapped over to a Bri'ish unit instead, carrying over medals and ranks.
