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In the almost 3 years i have been here, i have basically dedicted every hour of that into playing as a cop. I tried a bunch of times, but never really came higher than sgt or had other positions. Like the retard i am i once got triggered and fed up that i resigned. I tried to revert this only to find out a new policy was added litteraly days ago where i would be reinstated as cpl. I accepted this and just went along.

Now today i fucked myself over, because i was demoted for inactivity. I haven't played in a month due a sad event that affected me quite alot. I couldn't sleep and it was on my mind alot, i also won't name it, as i already feel bad for using this as an excuse in the first place.

Now that i can only be reinstated to a senior officer, the fun is honestly gone for me and i have no reason to play. I felt things were going fine because i managed to get into some Stage 2s n shit but well, i fucked up.

I dislike that i was demoted for only a month of inacivity without being contacted or whatever. I know it's my own fucking fault, but i wasn't really intenting to make a long absense. The times i could play were rare, but when i could i was to tired or didn't feel like playing without my friends.

i'll still be a forum lurking faggot, though
Honestly whatever you do in real life, it's probably always going to be a bigger accomplishment than getting a rank within a virtual police department in a virtual city in a video game.

GL with you life n all.
I think the reason perp is dying, is because there is way too many skids who dribble on there keyboard and take PD to seriously. They spend months getting ranks and then get bitched around by higher ups. You also have the competition of the rank up's being stupid like when @ErmakDimon got corporal and @royhb hyplex.co didn't. And then after 1 day Ermak was demoted, a lot of people get very upset when they aren't promoted.

The PD like to make it difficult in every situation and in some cases ruin the fun for people. You have hypocrites who make policies and then break them. The whole ranking system is corrupt as fuck in my opinion and in many others opinion.

The whole concept of 'Cops being too easily killed' only began to be talked about when they began getting remi's and TFU. In 2015 no one complained and all they had was pistols and 4 random SWAT members.

Sometimes i feel like the Unwhitelisted verson was less aids.

This links to the whole concept of perp dying as when people don't get the rank they work so hard for, they give up slowly and that leads them to leave.

Hmmmm this sounds familiar. My post was straight facts!

Later man.
weak! I've been demoted, reinstated and promoted or whatever several times, you do you and have fun. Stop trying for ranks because people don't change there opinions on you so fuck em, play and have fun and if you get promoted or demoted it is a by product.