What do do in case of your harddrive acting up

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We all have something weird with our hard drives once in while,

Some of the following indicate a problem with your harddrive:
  1. A bios error saying something along the lines of: "Cannot find boot drive, cannot find boot sector. Cannot boot. Cannot locate an operating system" and so on
  2. Weird clicky or repetitive noises coming from the hard drive/pc
  3. Read write errors within windows
  4. A game not loading textures or maps
  5. All-out-of-the-sudden extreme booting and loading times.
This are just a few,but if you experience any other feel free to post it here.

If you have any of these or a diffrent thing with your hardrive.


You can loose data any moment, when you least expect it.
ever heard of MEGA? The new megaupload? their software lets you sync a folder to your private account, so the folder is always backupped. MEGA has 50 gb's free storage.

After you made your backup, and you hear clicking noises, or any other nosie coming out your hard drive.
Load a game, like GTA V or any game with long loading,
open your case and listen to your hard drive.
Listen to or even record the noises.

Then go to http://www.datacent.com/hard_drive_sounds.php.
it has all sounds recorded of most hard drives, so you can compare the issue. If both sounds sound the same the issue is behind it.

ALOT of people haven't heard of http://www.datacent.com/hard_drive_sounds.php. But its really userful.

if you don't hear sounds but your hard drive is acting up, your read/write thing could be broken or the electrical system in the hard drive itself could be damaged, the electrical board in a hard drive can easily be replaced, but you shouldnt attempt to fix the read/write thingy in your shed.
Also, if Windows doesn't detect anything, download GParted from http://gparted.org/livecd.php and mount it on a USB stick, this can detect problems that Windows can't even begin to grasp. (Linux masterrace)
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