What is your new year resolution for 2019?

to be rich af bruh, smoke bare weed, get bare bitches and live life.

Obviously some of that is not true I'm just aiming to just better myself probably financially and just aim for a positive year.
>Finish 2 years of school in 1
>Clean up my room
>Be at the top of the lobster hierarchy.
>Speak French fluently
>Speak German fluently.
Save John Wick by giving my mums credit card info out to people.
Try to not get depressed because of school,
maybe go to the gym hehe
and learn at least a thousands words in japanese but im not weeb :)
To get staff, do well on my GCSE’s and to enjoy myself even more then normal when it comes to most things.
- get unbanned on perp
- quit trolling on perp (this will be very difficult)
- make another super org, preferably without hacks this time
- Get into uni

- Hit 150kg squat 1RM

- Actually pass the driving test
me for Enforcer 2019

uhh shit I guess I'm just going to focus on my apprenticeship and get out examined in the next 3 years to come or else my ass is gonna get a new hole but I'm doing very fine with grades and marks so far

fuck learning Latin though