Discussion Post:
Main Idea: To add a wheel by which you are able to choose from a variety of acts that are currently in the game
Full description of the idea: We all know how annoying it is to type /act surrender, or remember which of the 100 keys you bound it to several months ago.
Therefore you would simply hold a key (much like the Q inventory wheel), and the wheel would show up, listing a bunch of commonly used acts (maybe as a community we can decide which ones), so that they are much easier to access, and all in one place which is far more convenient than having several binds currently.
A very rough example of what could be added, the act/animation currently selected would appear in yellow and have an arrow pointing to it, you would simply move your mouse around the wheel to change to whatever act/animation you want to use, only then left clicking would execute that act, letting go of the keybind that opens the wheel will result in no act being performed.
Why should it be added?: I think this would be very useful as acts would be used more commonly due to how much easier they would be to access, rather than having individual binds for every single act that is currently possible to be used. Of course there would be some sort of limit to how many we could fit on the wheel without making it clustered, but it would be far better than what we currently have, or rather, don't have.
Wheel to select acts
Main idea: To add a wheel by which you are able to choose from a variety of acts that are currently in the game Description: We all know how annoying it is to type /act surrender, or remember which of the 100 keys you bound it to several months ago. SO basically, much like in the well known...
Main Idea: To add a wheel by which you are able to choose from a variety of acts that are currently in the game
Full description of the idea: We all know how annoying it is to type /act surrender, or remember which of the 100 keys you bound it to several months ago.
Therefore you would simply hold a key (much like the Q inventory wheel), and the wheel would show up, listing a bunch of commonly used acts (maybe as a community we can decide which ones), so that they are much easier to access, and all in one place which is far more convenient than having several binds currently.
A very rough example of what could be added, the act/animation currently selected would appear in yellow and have an arrow pointing to it, you would simply move your mouse around the wheel to change to whatever act/animation you want to use, only then left clicking would execute that act, letting go of the keybind that opens the wheel will result in no act being performed.
Why should it be added?: I think this would be very useful as acts would be used more commonly due to how much easier they would be to access, rather than having individual binds for every single act that is currently possible to be used. Of course there would be some sort of limit to how many we could fit on the wheel without making it clustered, but it would be far better than what we currently have, or rather, don't have.
- Easier to access a plethora of acts/animations
- More use of acts in roleplay situations
- No need to type/remember the bind you have of the act
- Some acts not included and thus may still go unused
- People accidentally selecting the wrong act and being stuck until it finishes.
- Ability to cancel acts mid-animation incase you accidentally select the wrong one, cancelling could be one of the selectable options on the wheel maybe