Who was/is KillSlick?

I came across some old PERP Gamemode videos from around 2013-2014 from some server named "Hellzone". I noticed there was a lot of stuff going on with this KillSlick guy.
If I remember correctly he was the owner of Hellzone and bought the "rights" to the PERP gamemode from the original Pulsar Effect RP owner - and then proceeded to try to issue copyright takedowns on other server owners running the PERP gamemode. Basically a massive gimp.
He banned me from Hellzone back in the day. Let’s say he was a ‘special’ server owner, with a weird believe he owned PERP and tried everything to take other servers down.
PERP stands for 'Pulsar Effect Role Play'. Pulsareffect was an ancient Garry's Mod community which, as the name suggests, were the initial developers of the PERP gamemode. . Pulsar Effect began licensing the gamemode to other communities. Hellzoneclan being one of them. Killslick was the owner of hellzone and bought a license to use PERP, like many other servers.

PERP used to be a very popular gamemode, but many servers died because a dozen servers with an identical gamemode aren't going to last. Servers that innovated with custom development survived for much longer which is the reason why when you search for the PERP source code, you'll find many versions of it, like PERP2, PERP2,5, PERP3, PERPX, gtaonline, etc, etc...

During the time that PERP servers were starting up left and right with and without licenses,
Killslick registered an US patent with the patent office for this 'code'. Just because you have a registered patent, doesn't mean anything, but killslick being a weird adult with adult money had enough legal power to threaten usually young, unknowing (aspiring) server owners. You can't DMCA, or patent, a software work made and authored by different people, especially derivative works.

For all these BOGUS DMCA claims killslick made a name of himself and considering his age he became quite a target of doxing and pedo allegations. A huge lot of this history is lost because most gaming forums have now shut down, but if you dig very deep you can still find alot about him. Dude's probably in his 60's already. I have a copy of his patent somehwere, having been DMCA'd myself lol.

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I managed to come across HellZone's discord server. I saw him (or a bot with his name) posting random stuff on there and talking to himself.
Late to the party, but my friend ran "REDACTED" huge community, so he got an old copy of PERP back then (Was it 2.5?) dont remember but anyway Killslick tried filing a lawsuit and my friend simply told him that "I live in Norway, american rules dont apply here, so you can go eat a your" yeah... think you get the idea, he was also famous for DDosing perp servers back in the day also heard of another guy having a backdoor placed in the PERP gamemode he bought from a shady guy. and taken over but i dont know if thats true or not.

Also really fond of kids for some reason alot of his staff (No cap) were not older than 12-13. I've always wondered what happened to Killslick, is he even still alive?

So who was he? He's a name that was often brought up before i dont know about now since i've been out of the PERP community for quite some time. He is one of those unforgettable people, especially back in the day in the early days of PERP, he was a very strict leader almost military when it came to proper roleplay, he would stop you mid roleplay to correct you if you werent following the rules 100% (As we all know PERP can be hard to follow 100% at all times theres often small misconceptions or wrongs from all parties) i have a memory of him stopping in the mid of a situation because a guy named Matt didnt /me unholsters his weapon (Which was mandatory on most servers back in the day it was really strict) He ran Hellzone a name most of us oldtimers know too well. And stories keep popping up about how strict he was, i remember he stopped an RP session right at intersection by hospital at the old evocity_33x just to lecture some new players about roleplay rules i swear that lecture was almost an hour long.

I know quite a few people that actually respected that he had so much control in the chaos that PERP could be at the time but he could take things way too far he could be powerhungry. I've had quite a few adminsits with him (Getting my ass handed to me) But! i've also had some better situations with him meeting him in RP sits etc where things went smooth. I wont share my personal opinion on him but i can say when PERP was brand new i was really young and looking back that guy was well.... He ran a really tight ship barely any leaks. You can imagine midsit getting picked up by an admin and flown to a roof just so you can be treated like you just killed your neighbors dog

Edit: Also have alot more stories about that guy if people are interested
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