Who's your broadband Provider?

Who's your ISP

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So, Who are your Broadband Providers (Internet Service Provider)?
Mine is BT and they are utter shit, but I get free stuff for mobile for being with their broadband. (Double Data, Unlimited Mins and texts, £5 Off my Plan).

If I could, I'd use a different ISP, but not my choice. I am usually promised 50Mbps Download, Can't remember Upload, but I'm getting about 5-10 Mbps. Their Customer Service isn't Great Either

List below your Speeds and if you enjoy using them.
Depending on where you live you can get some really good speeds. I've found virgin to be the most reliable internet that I've used. When I had BT and sky utter shit speeds constantly limiting our line every few months, internet went out randomly. And now I get a stable 500 down with virgin and theres only been a few times they've had issues.

When we had issues with sky I setup a Pi board that would tweet at sky with our internet speed whenever it dropped under what we were meant to be getting and telling them what we were promised, seemed to fix issues quite quickly
Ping = 1, Download = 404.48Mbps, Upload = 44.47 Mbps

Only provider where I live that offers FTTP services, only costs £39 a month as well (400down/40up tier). Could pay £20 more a month to get 900/90 but this is fast enough. Before getting this like 3 months ago I was on BT getting 40mbps max download and about 8mbps upload.
Unlimited Mins and texts
Are there plans with limited call minutes and texts? :rolleyes: It literally costs nothing for mobile carriers to host a phone call, or transfer a SMS. These days the 3G and LTE data transfers are the thing that costs them money.
So, Who are your Broadband Providers (Internet Service Provider)?
Mine is BT and they are utter shit, but I get free stuff for mobile for being with their broadband. (Double Data, Unlimited Mins and texts, £5 Off my Plan).

If I could, I'd use a different ISP, but not my choice. I am usually promised 50Mbps Download, Can't remember Upload, but I'm getting about 5-10 Mbps. Their Customer Service isn't Great Either

List below your Speeds and if you enjoy using them.
If you're trying to gauge an idea on who to switch to it really depends on your area but you might be able to upgrade to BT FTTP depending on where you live and you can get £500 from the government to do it
Considering I live in a dead end town stuck in the 50s except with the occasional vape shop, BT provides decent internet to me, sure it slips up sometimes but again, it’s the fastest broadband provider in my shithole town
I don't know what all this 3rd world United Kingdom stuff is! I only use the highest quality of ISP's Spectrum!!! We pay for 500 mbs download, and like most ISPs customer service is shit but there isn't really any service provider that has 10/10 customer support (In the US at least, just look at comcast lmfao)
Idk what you're on about but some of our ISP's are definitely on a spectrum