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I kinda wanna do a little "rant" here on this post...
As some of you guys might remember, i made a forum post quite some time ago: A little game!

To my big surprise, that post got quite popular in a very short time.
The post was moved to the archive by Bolli for reason " Aids "


and when i later talked to him he said it was moved BC of being a "spam central".

Now i decided to try and make another post similar to this one, and ofc i called it: A little game 2!

It was another game and therefore not a direct "Copy" of the last post.
But not more than bout 2 hours later, it was again moved by John Daymon for reason: " as it will go into a spam thread again. ".


My question is: How can he know that it is going to be a spam thread?? I mean, the post isnt made to be that but rather to bring a little fun.

Also, i find it quite funny that he complains about it turning into a spam thread when he was one of the people who spammed my last thread: A little game! The most? xD
Dont believe me? go check the post out and count how many posts he made to it ive found about 18-20 post in the last 5 pages.

I hope u guys understand why i find this a little annoying and that u guys will start thinking an extra time before removing/moving my posts.

Thx for reading:)

[EBBZC]-=Bilbo Swaggins=-
I'll just go ahead and close this, you can discuss this with me in PM or teamspeak if you wish. And if you wanna go on saying that I spammed it I can answer with; Yes I did, I really enjoyed writing there however it gone to a point where people wrote there to get posts and just spam the hell outta the forums.
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