wtb headset

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
wow nice WoW title l0ser

anyways I'm looking for a headset with a built in mic as I like to keep my desk space and not get a seperate desktop mic. My current Speedlink still works great after 2 years of use but the materials have lost their softness and my right ear starts to hurt after prolonged use. It has a very nice mic for the price I got back then and I'm looking for one with the same qualities as for mic and sound. My budget would be 60 or 70 euros I guess, I won't be spending more than that. If my 13 euro headset (now 30) can last for 2 years then I will have no problem taking good care of a more fragile one as I'm not retarded with hardware around me.

Tagging the audiophile @Sagittarius for help
Logitech G Gaming Pro headset came out not long ago and it's for only a $100, not your budget but it's in my opinion really worth the price. Ordered it and I love it, its nice and soft, design is fancy, earpads are made of leather so it doesn't get dirty that easily, comes with an extra pair of earpads made out of different material, sound quality is very good, has surround, bass may not be the best but if you turn on Bass Enchancement in windows sound settings it is perfection, mic quality is also good, comes with a small pop filter on it. Mic and cable are detachable. I really love it and for it's price this headset is really good, really worth checking it out ;)
Heard good things from HyperX headsets and specifically the Cloud IIs, but I’ve never used them before. Some people are saying that the quality is good for the price of the headset.

On the other hand, you could get a ModMic which sound awesome as far as I can remember but they are pretty expensive for just a microphone on its own.
Hello yes, time for conversion to non-gaming headphones.

I recommend a pair of Superlux headphones. They are not comfortable from stock, so you have to get new earpads. I personally recommend these headphones, as I own them myself. They have a V-shaped sound signature (extended bass and extended treble at the cost of mids). You could also get a different pair from Superlux. I hear good things about the HD668B's. They also have a detachable cable unlike the HD681's.

You'll, of course, need a mic. I recommend getting a clip-on mic. Speedlink has one on Amazon.de for 8 euros, actually. I know this might go against your requirements, but you can clip on the mic to your headphone cable to secure it in place.


Theses are HyperX Clouds I had them for 4 years and they have very good sound quality, they are also noised canceling so you won't be able to hear much except whatever game you are playing. They are also the source of this meme.
ill ship you my 2015 turtle beaches for free, you pay for post and packaging
dont get the hyperx cloud danny bought one and the mic is terrible also it looks stupid
i would go with sennheiser personally because they are german probably
if you are going to get hyperx headphones get the cloud alpha
Logitech headsets are the most uncomfortable pieces of shit I've ever worn. I've used my Siberia V2 for YEARS and it's still going strong. After 2-3 years, it will have issues with the right earcup, sometimes there might not be audio, but you just gotta move the volume slider around until it comes back up. SteelSeries is also a really good company. My SS mouse died and they gave me a 70 euro coupon to buy a new one, with free shipping. They also gave me a coupon for the next time I buy from them. They're really great. What did annoy me was the microphone did die after a year and a half, but it was a V2 so I wouldn't be surprised. Ever since that I've been using a Modmic that you just put on your headset real easy.

Buy logitech if you want ear pain
SteelSeries are really nice and customer-friendly
Buy a Siberia V2 or some other headset SS offers