
What, do you want it to be Hip Hop music again?
Most of the one in the chamber clips are kills on people that aren't even looking at you or fighting back and the kills where people are aiming at you, well done, you can fucking shoot a gun at someone where it's a one hit body shot kill. Also nice one-killage for the other events that mean nothing considering the kills were mediocre and in an event.

The editing and music made me want to throw up.
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Instead of all the negative non-useful comments about your video, I would like to add some constructive criticism.

1. Random effects, such as the flower effect, isn’t quite needed. It doesn’t do anything beside filling up the screen with flowers..
2. When killing people, I don’t think the music choice fits, choose something a bit more aggresive, and not so ‘rainbowy’
3. It’s boring to watch you kill people over and over the same way, add something fun inbetween the clips, and maybe only add the ones, where you think it’s a special kill.

Hope that can help you further on :)
Hope to see more montages even though you have got some hateful comments!