You want a game like Perp in a much bigger scale?

It looks great, but let's be honest, people are just going to do drugs.
This is a dream of mine becoming true, why do you think I played PERP from 2013? I was looking for a game that will match these kind of stuff, but in PERP there is a slight problem that might come up in this aswell. Drugs. People do these way to much in PERP and wheres all the fun and enjoyment of PERP where people just non-stop grow drugs? Anyways, im gonna make a few hugh donations on this game, hopefully what happend in PERP will not happend as much in IdentityRPG. And 1 thing I dont understand in the game, rules. This game would stimulate real life right? So where are all the FearRP and FailRP rules in IdentityRPG? How will they take place? By someone getting headachs from all the reports he gets? I dont see how the rules will take place, hopefully they will have a system to fix that, as if when your pointing a gun at someone, he wont be able to pull a gun at you. Anyways this game will look amazing, and I hope this will be a really good game, and a 32 bit one ;).
So they aim to recreate pretty much everything that exists in reality? Do you realize how big this project is? Unless they have hundreds or even thousands of experienced and talented developers this isn't even a possibility. Also, they would need an enormous community to make this worth playing. I mean, they say that just a single apartment building could house hundreds of people, which means that you would need at least several hundreds of thousands of players to populate an entire city.
To all Anti-Kickstarters:

Star Citizen was a Kickstarter Project too and now got 70.000.000 Dollars raised.
200$ of them came from me. :)
This looks pretty awesome! Not sure why a lot of you are being so negative about it, seems like an amazing project that would being very popular! :D
Lets not get our hopes up here, it looks good and i think it has potential.... but as alex said these guys scripted a arma server that honestly, is bad. Even if they can code, thats scripts, not a entire game. Its like a modder making a game.
Those arma servers are terrible, the scripts are so bad its unreal, this game will fail.
Well whatever it will be, it sure looks better then PERP. I hope it has succes but i have my doubts since it looks a bit to good to be true... anyways thank you for the post Myrothas! I sure will keep a eye out of this game.
You can be a Detective wow.

This game has my support but i worry because they have said nothing about rules or anything and with VOIP chat will just be fun.... For a troll.

I'm sorry for the game developers this is the best idea i have seen for a game but potential right now is low unless they start explaining how the game will not turn into trolls and minges.

Applying for careers is a good start i agree but this can go off rails.

Anyone notice the following Easter eggs in there?

Laptop in the apartment its not a Macbook it is a Madbook
Police cruiser on the steering wheel it is a Doge not a Dodge
Looks awesome but I feel like they've just learnt to walk now they're trying to climb a mountain... If it works and comes out as a big success then I'll be more than happy to spend at least £35 ish on the game! Those police lights look sweet!
Meh, backed them but its 2 years waiting or something. I spoked to Motown, theres around 4 devs working, including artists, devs etc.
Before i started watching the video i was thinking about whatt comments would come.
I watched the video and i was right all comments are: perp is better that game sucks.
You guys all think perp s the best game actually GAMEMODE.
Start having a brain guys and think about it your fucking talking about a game that is being made and a game mode of a completly diffirent game.
You guys think you're all the best and othing can beat perp and you can keep on saying: They have bad scripts the servers they own are bad there only play trollers etc. Like i said you think you are the best now i am gonna be honest with you guys. This game will beat perp.
Before you start commenting: Oh draft your just mad that you are banned and this and that. No i am not you guys should thinnk about what i am writing here and you will probaly not read it all. I would like everyone to think about the video you saw and think about perp.

Now if you want start commenting what you want because:


:) -Draftking
Well guys, as i said. The Headdev made a very successful game already. Mortal Online, a Full Loot PvP MMO in a medival Setting. Taming animals n build houses n cities. Seemed ambitious too, but its done. Then he scripted the 8 most poplulated Arma 3 Servers and all i read is that everything is shit. I did not post this thread to destroy the Perp Community. FFS. Even on Perp theres fuckin morons online. No community is perfekt. You know what happens in Perp at night time, when almost noone is online... I just wanted to get a game backed that the Perp Community could be interested in. Thats all.