ZaNNie Ban Appeal

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: Jack Peterson
How long were you banned for:4 Days

Your Steam Name
: ZaNNie
Your In-game Name:Saheet-Raheet Yaheet
Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:155496760

Why were you banned/blacklisted: 3.4, 2.5, 3.20 User decided to raid a place, filled with cops and shoot a handcuffed suspect for seemingly no reason. After that, refused to put his hands up and was shot down by cops. Disconnected whilst unconscious immediately after.
Why should this appeal be considered: I wanted to raid my neighbors but there were cops inside I went in shot the cuffed guy I saw an ak picked it up and ran to my apartment the cop came after me and told me to surrender but I pulled a gun and he shot me I died and disconnected without waiting till black screen

Additional Comment(s): I'm really sorry at the time I didn't know the rules quite well but now I reread them and I won't make the same mistake again

I have thought about it for a bit now, and I don't feel you should get unbanned. It's only 4 days, and your previous ban which was less than a week ago was for almost the same aswell.
I think you should take your time to read properly over the rules so it doesn't happen again when you return!
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