Server Suggestion Ziptie on downed and/or knocked down officers

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Description of the idea: Ability to ziptie downed and unconscious officers (and civilians?) without the prompt, just like how an Officer can cuff a suspect while he is downed.

Why should this be added? (pros): - Addition to criminal roleplay, preventing revived officers to immediately get into battle after being downed, in case they get revived, unless freed by a fellow officer or broken out.
- A new use for zipties, before leaving you can ensure that a medic doesn't immediately bring officers to life to hunt you down.
- A new roleplay aspect, you can put zipties on people to forge a story your way.
- Knocking down an officer with a vehicle and tying him without triggering a life alert

What negatives could this have? (cons): - If allowed to do on civilians, could be abused.

No extra additions needed as cops can already cycle cuffs on downed civilians/police.
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I mean unconscious people can't say no. They also can't say yes but whatever. I do like this idea however would it work with people who are slightly stunned because they are ran over? I think for cuffs it works but here to avoid abuse it should just be unconscious.
Theoretically wouldn't a medic just free the person up as soon as they get revived?

yes, but if there's multiple officers he would need to defib -> unzip -> heal to send an officer after you, which takes longer!

Dead poeple arent really a risk NGL. If your going to put away your gun, take the time to cable tie someome because your afraid they will be revived just make sure to double tap.

I dont think this is needed

Dead poeple arent really a risk NGL. If your going to put away your gun, take the time to cable tie someome because your afraid they will be revived just make sure to double tap.

I dont think this is needed
Regardless if it's needed or not, being able to ziptie uncon officers would be convenient in the case of wanting to start a hostage sit for a better chance of escaping, especially when a you have a paramedic.
Regardless if it's needed or not, being able to ziptie uncon officers would be convenient in the case of wanting to start a hostage sit for a better chance of escaping, especially when a you have a paramedic.

yes, it shouldn't be painful to add and could broaden your possibilities.

I also like the idea if they're knocked down by a car or similar that you could ziptie them, that sounds hilarious.
God no not the knocked down by a car. that'd be so easy to be abused. but i do agree otherwise

If kept strictly for police, you could knock down a police officer and ziptie him without triggering life alert or his panic button, and if they add the previous idea of turning off radio on hands tied, it can be great!