AR on Max Allen

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Mendo/Josh Washington
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Unkown/Max Allen
His/Her SteamID: God knows
Why Should This Player Be Punished: The player clearly breaking and abusing 3.16 (EDIT)
Evidence (Demo Required):
(the demo is a bit long, but just deal with it.)

This player is clearly abusing +left in the console, to avoid being Kicked for inactivity.
There was also drugs in the room, but i picked them up...
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It isn't 2.3 but it is 3.16 - AFK. He probably wrote in console commands for him to be able to walk automatically so he won't get kicked from the server.
Your Steam/In-game Name: Mendo/Josh Washington
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Unkown/Max Allen
His/Her SteamID: God knows
Why Should This Player Be Punished: The player clearly breaking and abusing 2.3
Evidence (Demo Required):
(the demo is a bit long, but just deal with it.)

This player is clearly abusing +left in the console, to avoid being Kicked for inactivity.
There was also drugs in the room, but i picked them up...
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What a nob, obvious +Support

User was AFK, using commands to keep himself from getting kicked, fucking shameful.

IMO you should have just shot him, and took whatever gun he had, before burning his base down.
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i would had shot him if you were holding him up. during the time of the video, he would had accumulated $80 at 0% taxes if he's a VIP.
Seems like he was AFK and avoided getting kicked for inactivity by an console command since he didn't react to your orders at all. User broke 3.16 for being AFK for probably a long time. Overall a +support from me.
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