Your view on todays world of politics

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Texas United States
Hey there,

I am well aware of the fact that our community here at Perpheads consists of a lot of young people. However, I kinda got to an idea while talking to a fairly young Turkish immigrant today, that actually had a clear view of what his political opinion was and why he does not support President Erdogan's agenda. So I would just like to ask YOU, no matter your origin or age what your view on today's politics is, whether it be national or international.

tl;dr: what do you think about Trump, Erdogan, Merkel, EU & Co?
Trump - Some millionaire with no political background that was meme'd into the white house thanks to the collective power of autism by 4chan. Do any of you American community members even try to take him serious? He claims wiretapping by Obama but provides 0 evidence what so ever. Watch this at your own risk as you may lose some IQ points:

Brexit - "We left the EU pmsl"

Erdoğan - Doesn't like satire, gets you jailed for anything, etc. Even myself as a Turk hate him. I'm just happy that I renounced my citizen ship to German.

EU - Don't have any :beef: I know of, just still the refugees here and that.
Regardless of how good you are its simply impossible to satisfy every single citizen, newspapers will always say the politicians are bad no matter what.
You really don't want to follow (mainstream) media's view on politics and decide who you vote or stand for based on that. Never. Media will always bash on politicians and 'sheeple' blatently believe anything the media says, even if they have been 'exposed' for bringing out fake and altered story's.
Good politician = fixes economy, keeps it stable, makes sure there are jobs and the country is generally safe and has a good economy. Media will always bash him for something because it get's them money, because they are such important and well known people. Isn't like half of all the newspaper and news channels owned by one megacorporation anyway

Conspiracy: Bilderberg controls alot of worldwide media and politics(can we make a thread about this i like conspiracy's xd)
Dutch politicians are completely braindead and they are taking this country to shit. Rutte III = martial law in 2018. Also, they posed some weird law that any goverment employee (Criminal transport, special police units) can easily get fired without any paperwork cases evidence and whatnot if a lawyer complaints some serial killer's cuffs where to tight. Half of them refuse to do their work and "justitie" employee's are probably going to refuse to do anything involving criminals and will let the police do all the work, and they are underpowered.

After reading this and trying to decode the language you just wrote this in I immediately rushed to the shower since I was completely covered in shit.

Good politician = fixes economy, keeps it stable, makes sure there are jobs and the country is generally safe and has a good economy. Media will always bash him for something because it get's them money, because they are such important and well known people. Isn't like half of all the newspaper and news channels owned by one megacorporation anyway

Shit brb again
My Political Opinion:

UK: Teresa May walked into 10 downing street like Putin going into Ukraine.
Brexit: Lmfao trigger article 50 already.
America: GJ ... Is Bernie still alive?
EU: See you next tuesday.
Scotish Independance: stop crying for a referendum

Thought id chuck in a picture of my local MP Nia Griff:

Came out last year, mid referendum.

For a change thought ill add this:

Thank you.
UK: Who the fuck cares about UK lmao. They are leaving the EU meaning no one will give a shit about them excluding brits( scotland hates england)

US: The country is going down the drain lol. The wall is going to be around 24 billion dollars and Trump's cabinet are aboloshing multiple departments and is retarded.

Turkey: Erdogan is a fucking faggot lol

EU: IDK We're not in EU XD

Bernie, we love you.

PS: the legislate branch will become democrat most likely in the next election in 2018
politics are all children and have no idea how things function in the real world. They'd be ruined if they had to live the life of your typical Bob
Couldn't give a shit, at the end of the day the world will never be perfect, there will always be shit world leaders so just go do other shit rather than ranting over some over privileged dude who will ruin your country
First I thought politics was just some adult kinda thing that was very boring. But now, when a big question regarding Sweden where im from. If Sweden should join NATO or not. And why I suddenly find this intressting is becuase when Sweden started to talk about this. A guy in Stockholm spotted something that looks like a submarine. And some months after that, a russian bomber plane was spotted on the radar heading towards on of the islands (Gotland). Sweden then scrambled a jet and scared it away.

So it's pretty clear what Russia thinks about this. And I find it very fun and intressting on how this goes.

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