AR On Ermak Diamonds.

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Edinburgh, Scotland
Your Steam/In-game Name: Matt
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Ermak Diamonds / ErmakDiamond
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:50947970
Why Should This Player Be Punished:

#1 // 3.3, 3.4, 2.1. he was stood on a camera with a remington out aimed.

#2 // User fortified his bazaar shop which is against the rules. ALSO 2 people couldnt fit through that gap.

Evidence (Demo Required)
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Surely @ErmakDimon would like to justify his actions seen in the evidence provided.

Stop making these petty "revenge" ARs, just shows how mature one actually is (not like I'm expecting much anyways ¯\_(ツ)_/¯).
First one was just for a second for my avatar and nothing happened because of it,

Second one:
Firstly it's a business shop, not bazaar. Second, those boards were not fortification but shielding from view whenever the door is open. Third, me and tyla specifically checked and 2 people were able to go through side by side.
First one was just for a second for my avatar and nothing happened because of it,
Avatar or not when I posted a bit of my montage and it had me breaking rules I was punished so should you. [/QUOTE]
Second one:
Firstly it's a business shop, not bazaar. Second, those boards were not fortification but shielding from view whenever the door is open. Third, me and tyla specifically checked and 2 people were able to go through side by side.
Any evidence of your demo?[/QUOTE]

    1. "Any type of fortification or defence in the bazaar or business shops is prohibited."

User will be punished accordingly. @ErmakDimon I suggest contacting a member of Staff next time you build a "base" which is not within a Business or Bazaar Shop.

Further more, please cease further rule breaking. Next rule infringement may result in a long term ban.
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