Official Resignation

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Well, I'm officially resigning from my rank as a moderator. It has been fun serving as a staff member for almost a year now and I'm glad to say that I enjoyed it. No, I am not resigning because I lost interest in Perp I still love the server and would love to stay if I could. I just need to focus on both school and the gym this year and in order to do that I had to step down from my rank as a moderator and stop playing Perp. I know I can just make an inactivity notice and enforce the rules whenever I'm free during school days, but I do not want to be an inactive staff member who is just lurking the forums and not doing anything useful on the server. Therefore, I decided this was the best choice. My activity will become much less as the weeks go by but I'll still be checking on the forums and hopping on TS whenever I can. I won't resign from my rank as a Sergeant yet, but I did resign from section supervisor since I believe there are many others who would be able to put more time into it than I could. I've had a great time in Perp and I thank you all for that. I might come back at a later date and if I feel like I have the time to dedicate to the server then I will surely apply for enforcer. Lastly I'm only going to mention the people whom I've enjoyed my time with during these past 2 or 3 months because if I attempt to mention everyone during my time in Perp the list will just go on.

Big ups to @MrLewis and @Bolli for giving me the chance to prove myself.

I also want to say that @Jon Godinn has always been there for me when I needed him. He really does help people out a lot both staff members and other players. The things he does for us is outstanding! (Edited by Jon)

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its cus u break too many rules being with the jaffa cake people so you dont want to get the big dunce hat that says 'demoted' on it :D:D:D
I happy to see you leave for important stuff and focus on something better than computer game, glad you decided to do that, wish you good luck in school and of course gym train hard get big get pussy bro <3
You changed my dude, Standish and Hung Chow all raised you and theirs no mention for them.

Good staff at the time.
Oh, ffs!

Why is it when I think there's one person in the staff team with somewhat of a level head and healthy ego, they fuck off to go do life things.
@Testa Lagusa You get a pass, you cool
Man, I remember how @Martino picked us both up from the street and learned us play perp. We started playing perp together, it was really fun. You were 1 of the staff members who was liked by everyone and respected by everyone. Goodluck with the school and gym. hmu whenever u want to play a different game :)
Thanks George for all the good time as staff!
You have done great and if you dont have enough time to do it I understand it completely!

See you ingame!
It's a shame to see you go. Even though we started off poorly, we eventually got along. Would love to see you back in the team someday. Good luck in life outside of PH, Fasool.can't.take.a.joker! :kappa: