
Jesus fucking christ this community is toxic. How about give me normal critisism instead of just saying its bad. I bet you cant make normal fucking montage so shut the hell up. If you have nothing to say as like tips or how to improove then dont even fucking speak, I make those montages for people who like them, if you are so fucking sad you decide to come on my montage and just hate on it without any specific reasons, and ruin my mood along with your stupid replies, then really fuck off. If you delete this reply because you got triggered and bring up some excuses then everyone will see.

And by saying this community is toxic I of course dont mean all of it. But most of those "good aiming" assholes gotta say something. Come on I dont fucking kill people all the time like you, this is only me starting to actually kill people outside of the defending side. You also might say im butthurt right now but really you're just being fucking spastic.
Jesus fucking christ this community is toxic. How about give me normal critisism instead of just saying its bad. I bet you cant make normal fucking montage so shut the hell up. If you have nothing to say as like tips or how to improove then dont even fucking speak, I make those montages for people who like them, if you are so fucking sad you decide to come on my montage and just hate on it without any specific reasons, and ruin my mood along with your stupid replies, then really fuck off. If you delete this reply because you got triggered and bring up some excuses then everyone will see.

And by saying this community is toxic I of course dont mean all of it. But most of those "good aiming" assholes gotta say something. Come on I dont fucking kill people all the time like you, this is only me starting to actually kill people outside of the defending side. You also might say im butthurt right now but really you're just being fucking spastic.
The fact that you choose to upload content to the forums regarding the server and clips of you shooting people gives us all the rights to give you criticism regarding it, you put almost no effort into editing this, nothing like for example this miniclip on CSGO
It's very short, very simple editing on it, might be why I said; why not actually put some kind of editing into your montages, cus all you do is clip them together which takes about 20 seconds to do.

Of course you're gonna get crap by people who are really good shooters such as @MachineGunO over your aim if it's shit in his opinion, just don't take everything so personal, jesus christ
The fact that you choose to upload content to the forums regarding the server and clips of you shooting people gives us all the rights to give you criticism regarding it, you put almost no effort into editing this, nothing like for example this miniclip on CSGO
It's very short, very simple editing on it, might be why I said; why not actually put some kind of editing into your montages, cus all you do is clip them together which takes about 20 seconds to do.

Of course you're gonna get crap by people who are really good shooters such as @MachineGunO over your aim if it's shit in his opinion, just don't take everything so personal, jesus christ
This is just critism, this is straigh up hate. Give me some fucking tips on how to improove if youre such a good editor.