Am i the only who knows about this?

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United Kingdom
So the other day when i was basing at Parker, I ran outside to talk with some cops and then went over to scrappy joe's when i saw this and i was shocked, So I just want to know if anyone else knows about this.?
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There's a bunch of small details like these, that bed is a small memoriam for the old suburbs houses as one of them had the exact same bed (I miss the curtains :().

Some other small stuff:
One of the towels on the sun benches at the beach have "PH" on them.
"Scottie Sucks" grafitti at the back of suburbs Jennifer's (I'm too much of a V1 newfag to remember who he was)
You can sit on one of the gravestones at church.
City hall had a secret teleport spot for the beta of dispatchers that led you to the now non-existing admin room.
The hospital in v1 had a locked room you could only enter with noclip, it had a sofa, old fashioned TV and some explosives on a coffee table. I don't know why this was a thing.
Puffer Market was supposed to have fridges, the model should still be in the map content pack but textureless.
The coffee shop has a pretty nice chalkboard.
The crane at docks is usable but you get yelled at by Bjössi if you use it, the old AI controlling it in V1 was a murder machine.
The fish and chair shop are still a thing.
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There's a bunch of small details like these, that bed is a small memoriam for the old suburbs houses as one of them had the exact same bed (I miss the curtains :().

Some other small stuff:
One of the towels on the sun benches at the beach have "PH" on them.
"Scottie Sucks" grafitti at the back of suburbs Jennifer's (I'm too much of a V1 newfag to remember who he was)
You can sit on one of the gravestones at church.
City hall had a secret teleport spot for the beta of dispatchers that led you to the now non-existing admin room.
The hospital in v1 had a locked room you could only enter with noclip, it had a sofa, old fashioned TV and some explosives on a coffee table. I don't know why this was a thing.
Puffer Market was supposed to have fridges, the model should still be in the map content pack but textureless.
The coffee shop has a pretty nice chalkboard.
The crane at is usable but you get yelled at by Bjössi if you use it, the old AI controlling it in V1 was a murder machine.
The fish and chair shop are still a thing.
Scottie found one of the biggest exploits on perp and was the reason @Belg Lmfao and some others got banned for duping items, crane is usable, instant demote if you do anything with it,
V1 beds could change pattern if you clicked E on them,
It had a pot and some other things cus it was a way to load textures for players (the hospital room)
If you shoot the sign in the fish shop that displays all the different fish types, it Bleeds.
In scrapyard, There are two signs, one saying "XQuality God St" and the other saying "Perpheads Bvld"
Theres a random locked room in Mcques only accessible by noclip, The room is empty. (would be perfect for powergrowing and the likes)
The bank vault has a Wanted poster with StephenPuffs on it.
The DD Spot at Hungriges, underpass and Subs Jennifers are possible to access via mini cooper. Other spots accessible by Mini cooper are the top floor of office, The Bank and Gas station, McQuwes, and other places with large, automatic doors.
There was/is a vending machine on a roof that maniacally laughs and launches you into the slums wall.
You can use the City hall, Paramedic NPC, fire station NPC, and other job related NPCs to check if you are warranted without alerting the police automatically
If you order a baseball bat from a courier, you can equip it in most jobs. (Mayor, etc.)
The SPAS 12 has hidden text behind the barrel, And the AS50 has writing on the back saying "Who Killed Jon"
Inside the truck at the courier warehouse is a hula statue
You can flip and launch cars using your fists and a wooden board.
There is a killbox inside the main staircase of city hall, and it kills you instantly if you noclip into it.
If you load Paralake V1 on sandbox or a game hosted by you, you will spawn at the docks, on the containers controlled by the (Very murderous) Crane NPC.
There was a DD Spot in the woods and it was a muggers paradise.

These are more or less all the bugs and easter eggs I can remember.
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I glitched into and grown down in the wine cellar in Hungridges and got permanently banned for bug exploiting (thanks @MrAaron). I then ban evaded and got caught by @Hayden after about 25 minutes.
I remember sneaking around in the admin room with @Gustav back when only staff members could use dispatch. We followed one of them and spied where the teleport spot was, we then broke in and hid until we realised the only way out was to get a staff member to rescue us.
Sire this is groundbreaking thank you for reporting your observations
I remember sneaking around in the admin room with @Gustav back when only staff members could use dispatch. We followed one of them and spied where the teleport spot was, we then broke in and hid until we realised the only way out was to get a staff member to rescue us.
I leaked it to @Corolla once and I told him how to get out and everything, one hour later i get a pm from @Jordan saying I was really smart by giving Tom the room lol